Search results

  1. ob-ron

    What is this worm looking thing?

    One Croecea clam. Have not had any new rock or coral for at least 6-months. Found these by accident, actually found three of them on two different rocks.
  2. ob-ron

    What is this worm looking thing?

    Found this on some rock I was moving, very thin, ribbon-like creature. It disapeared into a hole in the rock smaller than a pencil eraser. It is about an inch wide, two inches long with ruffled edges. Two antena looking things in front. Kinda it safe?
  3. ob-ron

    Help - Naso has spots

    No new tank mates. She won't stay still. will keep trying. Looking at pic of lymphocyctis the spots are not that big. Looks more like air bubbles.
  4. ob-ron

    Help - Naso has spots

    I have Naso tang in a 120gal reef tank - she is about 5", have had her about 4 years. Fat and healthy normally. She has developed white spots on her - does not look like ich. None of her tank mates have any spots - Rabbit fish, maroon clown, cardnals, blue jaw trigger and bicolor blenny. Spots...
  5. ob-ron

    WTB Lights

    I am looking for lights for my new 90. Would like MH but only need PC's. Anyone in Florida selling? Will drive to pick up. Thanks.
  6. ob-ron

    Looking for live rock in Central Florida

    Looking for some live rock to fill a new 90 & a 120 tank (120 is established, but could use some more rock). Can pick up after Aug 18th. Also looking for lights for the 120, is currently a FOWLER, but would like to upgrade to reef if can get light for a good price.
  7. ob-ron

    CURED LIVEROCK for sale in central FL.

    Am interested in your live rock, if still available, will you take $200 cash? Live near Lakeland so can pick up, today if you want.
  8. ob-ron

    75 gallon setup (saint petersburg)

    I'm interested in the live rock, mabey some of the critters/corals. Do you have any idea how much you want for the rock etc? Can pay cash if price is right. Live near Lakeland so can pick up.
  9. ob-ron


    Got them at my lfs. They are kuda's. Not one of the fancy ones. But cool to watch.
  10. ob-ron


    Hey all just got a pair of seahorses. I would like to know what is the best food for them. They are eating frozen angle& butterfly food. But is that good? Thanks Ron
  11. ob-ron

    what kind of coral is this??

    the orange looks like a sunpolyp or sun-coral, if it is, it needs to be spot fed every day to stay alive. they like brine shrimp or similar.
  12. ob-ron

    Pom-Pom Xenia

    I have been trying to set xenia's onto shells, with very little sucess. Local lfs tells me to try gel super glue, the xenia slimes the new shell or rock & wont stick longer than a few hours. lfs also suggested netting, or rubber band to hold the xenia till it attaches. this also does not work...
  13. ob-ron

    red worms

    Was just cleaning the filter, and found less than 1/4 inch long, thin redish/pinkish worms in the bucket. They look just like mosquito larvae, wiggle and squirm in the same way. Any ideas on what this critter is?
  14. ob-ron

    Hey all you lighting experts!

    Ok I have read all. And what I need to know is what will work on my 120g. (4x24x24). Everybody keeps saying more than 24in deep or less than 24in deep. But what about 24in deep? Does T5 or vho or cp wrok at 24in? Or is mh the only one? T5 bulbs at 54 watts will give me only 3.6 watts per gal. mh...
  15. ob-ron

    180 gallon stand and canopy

    Very nice. :happyfish
  16. ob-ron

    over flows

    I have a 120g drilled tank with loud over flows any way of making them quieter? They seem to gurgle and burp air, no constant flow of water. Both over flows stay about a quarter full, I have filter material in both in and out flows. They are connected to a 20 gal refugium, and the air causes...
  17. ob-ron

    Florida Gulf Coast Coral Exchange Anyone????

    I live just outside Lakeland. I have a 65g reef but I have no frags or coral that I do not like. I wish i could help you, But they are more than good to look at. The little world we make is part of a home we make. good luck
  18. ob-ron

    gold stripe maroon

    I am looking to put a gold stripe in my 120g fowlr. I have a sail fin tang.2 farie wrasses,flame angle,coral beauty,goby,a foxface. Will the clown hold his own with the tang? And what is the differance between a gold & yellow stripe? :notsure:
  19. ob-ron

    Fish traps, anyone ever use one?

    I used a fish trap. (on loan from lfs) It had a sliding door on one end. Just put some food in and wait. All of my fish justed love the new feeding station. But I did get the ones I wanted. It took a while but they do work.
  20. ob-ron

    sailfin tang

    I have a 120g fowlr. I have a sailfin that I moved from my 65g reef. I put a blue jaw trigger in and he jumped out of my tank. I saw the sailfin chase he around but never that bad. Just how mean will he get? he is about 5" now, have had him for 3 years. Was thing of putting a gold stripe maroon...