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  1. sharken


    I just starting experimenting with my tank I got tired of putting out money for fish that I dont know would live so I decided to take some small bait fish that we have around in the local salt water cricks I have suseeded in having damesels and porgies and totog and bass all in the same tank...
  2. sharken

    dream tank!!!

    If I got 5 billon $ I would get a Island and make a under water tunnel that leads from my house on the beach and make the ocean my tank and I beleve it would be awsome
  3. sharken

    New at this

    Well I had my water tested in two different shops and I have two different test my self and I have a red sea and a docwellfish and I have a jet head in my tank to I believe that I have alot of water move ment in my tank
  4. sharken

    New at this

    No not all the fish at on time I just bought another one as one die I started out with just a regular whisper filter then I was told that I needed a uv sterlizer and a skimmer by time I got them I done went threw the dogface puffer, yellow tang and a clown whithen a week of each of the fish all...
  5. sharken

    New at this

    My ph is a 8.3 ,selinity is a .23 and nitrites and nitrates is a 0 and ammona is between a 0 and a.25 the tank has went threw its cycle it is about 3months old and temp is about 78 79F
  6. sharken

    New at this

    I Have a 55 gallon tank and the only thing I can keep alive is two Damsels I have a uv sterilizer and a skimmer I cant figure it out. I have lost a dogface puffer a valitene puffer 2 yellow tangs, clown trigger, and a alge belinne, oh and 3 clown fish. What am I doing wrong does anyone have a...