Search results

  1. nolan_nike

    Sulfur Denitrification

    Originally Posted by Offshore80 OK, what's the best way to bleed that off? I tried a few things to no avail. The midwest unit has a bleed valve that you open. In one of your pictures it looks like you've got a hose coming out of the top that goes to a syringe looking thing. That may be a...
  2. nolan_nike

    Beyond Mad!!

    Originally Posted by drewfish Someone cut the stems on all 4 of my tires and both of the cars next to mine. I was going to buy a tank on Saturday to start a reef tank, but now my "fun" money will be going to all new tires. . You can just replace the stems. They're $2 each and most places...
  3. nolan_nike

    Sulfur Denitrification

    Originally Posted by Offshore80 Mine is a Korallin. For large systems. That explains why your nitrates are still smoking at 100+. Midwest Aquatics seeds their sulfur with freeze dried bacteria. That is why they start to reduce quicker. With the Korallin unit it could take 6 weeks for the...
  4. nolan_nike

    Aquaripure denitrator

    Originally Posted by stokedhawk Do any of you keep clams? I read that clams love nitrates and was wondering if you had clams and then used a denitrator what impact that had on them? I had 200+ nitrate with a Crocea and Derasa clam. I was concerned about how the clams would react to...
  5. nolan_nike

    Aquaripure denitrator

    Originally Posted by sac10918 Dr. Reef Would the Koralline denitrifier by too powerful for a 12 gallon or 24 gallon? If so, can you suggest something that would be more appropriate? THanks I have not tried this myself, but I have read that in a small tank it can be effective to spread a small...
  6. nolan_nike

    Aquaripure denitrator

    Originally Posted by Offshore80 Damn I've had mine over a year and "nothing" I feed it every week but the nitrate's are still screaming. I checked yesterday and they were about 100 or so. I did break down and ordered the large sulfer denitrator. I should be here in a few days. Meanwhile I'm...
  7. nolan_nike

    Aquaripure denitrator

    Originally Posted by reefguy888 So, is the midwest still working ok for you? I'm waiting to make sure before I plop down the dough. I missed the one on E*AY. Working beautifully. Zero nitrates. The PH of my tank had been creeping slightly lower because I have the large model XL denitrifier...
  8. nolan_nike


    It isn't attached. It was left in a pile under a cave like rock. I don't have a good shot at it. I guess I'll try fishing it out with something tonight. Maybe a hermit crab irritated him.
  9. nolan_nike


  10. nolan_nike

    Sulfur Denitrification

    Last night I removed half of the sulphur and added the new crushed coral/ calcium/ whatever it is from Midwest Aquatics. It is supposed to have a higher PH. They were offering a sample free to current customers. Now I'm about 1/4 sulphur to 3/4 calcium media. I'm going to test the discharge...
  11. nolan_nike

    what will phasphate do???

    Phosban would be a quick fix. It got mine close to zero in 24-48 hours.
  12. nolan_nike

    Sulfur Denitrification

    Originally Posted by fmelindy Effluent nitrate reading now at 0 and nitrate in tank at 25. All measurements by salifert test kits. Noticed that the ph of the effluent is now up to 7.8. Everything is doing fine in the display tank. The PH of my effluent has been around 7.5 Midwest Aquatics...
  13. nolan_nike

    Toadstool leather constantly shedding

    Originally Posted by Jupoc911 i know this is a little premature, but any difference? I hadn't noticed any difference since moving it into the slightly heavier flow so I moved it into moderately heavy flow 24 hrs ago. It hasn't opened since. I will give it 24 hrs more before moving to a lesser...
  14. nolan_nike

    Sulfur Denitrification

    Does anyone have any long term experience with a sulfur denitrification system? Opinions?
  15. nolan_nike

    Can anyone recomend a calcium test kit

    Originally Posted by ninjamini Yea I have a calcium test kit. Measure water - add chemical - add powder - add drops and multiply x15 the number of drops it takes to turn blue. I can never figure this out. Blue??? there is no color chip to tell me how blue is blue and every drop makes it...
  16. nolan_nike

    Toadstool leather constantly shedding

    Originally Posted by Jupoc911 im 99.5% positive this is a flow issue. I have seen it all the time. It just may be. My leather was kind of blocked by a rock. I've adjusted some powerheads to see if it makes a difference. Thanks.
  17. nolan_nike

    Toadstool leather constantly shedding

    Originally Posted by uberlink I'll check out my phosphates. I don't have a test for that currently. Can you recommend a good one? I have an Aquarium Pharmaceuticals and a Red Sea Phosphate test kit. The A.P. kit was $5 online and the Red Sea was $16.95 at the local fish store. I prefer the...
  18. nolan_nike

    Toadstool leather constantly shedding

    Originally Posted by uberlink I posted this on the new hobbiests' forum, but no responses. My toadstool leather never seems to stop shedding. He'll look nice and normal for two or three days, then go into a two or three day shedding cycle, and then repeat. Over and over again. I thought these...
  19. nolan_nike

    Essential Elements is the shizzle!

    I decided to give Chemi-Pure a try. Added 2 bags which is the recommended amount for 100 gals. 24 hr update - the water seemed bluer and clearer. I'm still thinking that if it looks like carbon, smells like carbon, and rinses like carbon, it probably is carbon. I'll give another update in a...