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  1. gross111

    big bristle worm

    yea , this worm started to freak me out, I saw his head last night and grab him with some hemastates and flushed him dowm. Sorry to all the bristle police out there.
  2. gross111

    big bristle worm

    Nothing has died , our appears harmed from this guy, so i would say no. Saying that others have said to get rid of it.
  3. gross111

    big bristle worm

    ive , seen this guy a few times but never thought he was that big
  4. gross111

    big bristle worm

    Found this the other night
  5. gross111

    24gal nano for $200

    is it new or old, and is it the newer version
  6. gross111

    Help with Brown Algae

    I have had great success with astrea snails, they clean up, and yes i mean brown algea
  7. gross111

    orange frilly sponge

    Has anyone ever had this sponge and if so , what can you tell me about it, I currently have an established 24nc with one fish in it, I have several corals and am looking forward to purchasing two more fish. one flame angel and one yellow clown goby