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  1. fishrdp


    I have had clowns for approximitly 2 months. I just noticed this evening that the one has small white spots on him.I am quessing this is a type of ich. Any suggestions as I do not have a quarentine tank. Can I treat whole tank without hurting any other critters ? I have hermits, cleaner shrimp...
  2. fishrdp

    Glass top yes or no with hood?

    Anyone with any lightin suggestions for lighting a 54 gallon corner. would like to start trying some corals. :help:
  3. fishrdp

    New 54 gallon corner tank

    What size and brand proteinskimmer would you recomend for my tank? Added 40 lbs. live rock. Do I do water changes during cycle? How often and how much? Water that I pre mix with salt, just let it sit for a week or what, using tap water.Many questions thanks for any help you could provide.