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  1. moonwillow

    Nitrates & Nitrites

    well, at one point my levels were ok, then the ammonia went through the roof and trates and trites were fine, now it's just the opposite! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................. I first cycled with a raw shrimp, then put in the damsels. They're doing just fine, although I won't put any other fish...
  2. moonwillow

    Nitrates & Nitrites

    Yes, it's a fairly new tank (2 months now). There is one blue damsel with a yellow tail and one domino damsel. They are doing fine. Speck (the domino) is very hyper and aggressive and patrols the tank like crazy! I don't think he even sleeps!! The trates and trites have been high for about a...
  3. moonwillow

    Nitrates & Nitrites

    I finally get my ammonia down to 0 after adding a chunk of live rock and doing a 10% water change last week and now my trates and trites are sky high!!!!! What do I do?
  4. moonwillow

    Bubble tip anemone & lighting

    OK. Thanks you guys!! That's kind of what I thought, and what I read at Barnes & Noble last night.
  5. moonwillow

    Bubble tip anemone & lighting

    Can I get a bubble tip anemone for a clownfish if I only have the regular tank lights? Do I have to get the Super Lights in order for the anemone to live in my tank? 36 gallon bowfront tank, aragonite substrate, live rock & regular un-live rock, filter, heater, powerhead, 2 damsels.
  6. moonwillow

    First "Clean-up Crew" question

    sandbed is about 1 - 2 inches deep.
  7. moonwillow

    First "Clean-up Crew" question

    Please tell me what little critters the clean up crew should consist of. I have a 36 gallon tank with aragonite sand on the bottom and live rock and un-live rock in it. It is a FOWLR tank for now. Perhaps in the future I will get an anemone for a clown fish, but right now there are just 2...
  8. moonwillow

    Diatom Hell!

    But do I do anything about it until levels are in check? Or do I just let it do what it's gonna do, and what exactly IS it that it's gonna do? Every time I see it I think I should be doing something about it and have no idea what that is!
  9. moonwillow

    Diatom Hell!

    OK folks..... Now my entire tank (36 gallon) floor is copper colored, the tops of all my rocks are copper colored and it's going on my plastic plants and everything! Is it ok if it that much? I know that some is ok, but if it seems to be taking over than tank should I be scared? :scared...
  10. moonwillow

    Ammonia still high after 10% water change

    Ophi, It is my only filter and there is no debris or gunk in it. I looked at it this afternoon. And yes, it is a cycling tank. What is refugium?
  11. moonwillow

    Ammonia still high after 10% water change

    Chip! You're speaking in tongues!!!!! :scared: All I can tell you from what you write is that yes, I am using the aquaclear filter as is instructed. So you're telling me to remove that little bag of pellets? Should I put anyting in it in it's place? Also, I just thought of something...
  12. moonwillow

    Brown spots

    ok...thanks a million!!
  13. moonwillow

    Brown spots

    No, no clean up crew. I was afraid to do anything else because my ammonia is so high and one of my fish died. What would you suggest as a clean up crew, for starters? I'm getting cured live rock hopefully tonight so that's supposed to help with the ammonia problem. I should probably wait til...
  14. moonwillow

    Ammonia still high after 10% water change

    OK, I'll get some cured live rock. Do I have to take out my other rock that is in there, or can I put the cured live rock next to it? I have real rock in there - it's not fake, ceramic rock or anything, it's just not LIVE rock.
  15. moonwillow

    Ammonia still high after 10% water change

    I certainly hope that's what it is....... It's been going for 6 weeks now.
  16. moonwillow

    Ammonia still high after 10% water change

    And oh, my filter is an aquaclear.
  17. moonwillow

    Ammonia still high after 10% water change

    Just got back from lunch and here are the readings.... SG - 1.022 Ph - 8.2 Ammonia - 3.0 Nitrate - 10 Nitrite - 0.50 Temp - 79 Water is clear and sparkly with those little brown specks around the bottom of the glass, near the sand. My fish appear to be lively, although the blue one with the...
  18. moonwillow

    Brown spots

    ok. so just wipe it off, or is it best to just leave it? does it do anything beneficial for my tank?
  19. moonwillow

    Ammonia still high after 10% water change

    36 gallon bow front. Running for 6 weeks, 2 damsels living in it for 2 weks now. Started with a piece of raw shrimp first but now that's out because it was disgusting. All other tests come out fine, just ammonia that is totally killer! I have aragonite sand stuff, no live rock yet just pieces...
  20. moonwillow

    Ammonia still high after 10% water change

    I did a 10% water change last night - used RO water and mixed the salinity perfectly. After about an hour I checked everything and the salinity was fine, but the ammonia was still grassy green. What to do??