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  1. obrionusa

    tangs pair like fresh water angels?

    Somewhere I heard tangs will pair like fresh water angels. What is everyones opinion on this one? Im thinking of getting a tang or two and dont know whether to buy in quantitys of two.
  2. obrionusa

    Compatibility question

    actually i havent done any water partials. As far as the tests, they have ben neg according to the local pet store. Im gonna get it tested again t omorrow
  3. obrionusa

    Compatibility question

    im gonna start over. Christmas of 2005 I got two power filters and a bucket full of gravel from and established tank of three years.. I put four damsels in it to get it going... After about five weeks I eventually added another damsel, puffer, and a trigger. I added this slowly during the last...
  4. obrionusa

    Compatibility question

    there is a puffer, trigger, eel and a five damsels I got to start the tank. The tank was started around christmas. The damsels are on the way somewhere.. The one is a little aggressive.
  5. obrionusa

    what is up with everything out of stock?

    Im real new to this. everytime I go to a tropical fish im interested in its out of stock. This site is very competive to other retail centers with a lot of selection. But its all sold out.. Anyone explain?
  6. obrionusa

    Compatibility question

    sorry the tank was set up around christmas of 2005
  7. obrionusa

    Compatibility question

    I know its outta stock, But i love the Red Coris Wrasse - Adult. The tank is a 72 bowfront and I bought the gravel and two filters from a 3 year established tank.
  8. obrionusa

    Friday Night 12 Pack - 72gl Bow

    mind telling us about how much you got inside that tank? Its awesome. I gotta 72 bowfront as well
  9. obrionusa

    help with cleaning

    anemones are sweet, think my puffer would eat it?
  10. obrionusa

    new to salt

    Wanting to add a wrasses to a realatively new tank. Would this be advised? How would one adapt with a puffer, trigger, eel and damsel? How about a butterfly and a serpent star in these same conditions? Are the butterflys tricky to keep? Sorry Im just new to this and I really appriciate any input..
  11. obrionusa

    help with cleaning

    What does everyone reccomend to help with the left over food on the rock? heard snails and shrimp was good.
  12. obrionusa

    R/O units ??

    I rent mine off of culligan. costs bout 20.00. But I got good drinking water. I also had them put in a 20 gal holding tank so I could do some serious water partials.
  13. obrionusa

    Compatibility question

    Wanting to add a wrasses to a realatively new tank. Would this be advised? How would one adapt with a puffer, trigger, eel and damsel? How about a butterfly in these same conditions? Are the butterflys tricky to keep? Sorry Im just new to this and I really appriciate any input..