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  1. forman

    is this going to be ok?

    Quick question I converted my 10g from freshwater to saltwater about 2 weeks ago, the tank had been sitting for about 3 months with no water in it, but my question is about a year and a half ago i had treated the tank for ick(while it was freshwater) with Super Ick Cure which contains 1.9mg...
  2. forman

    heating question and issue

    It sounds like the lights are heating the water. I had a similar prob. with my 5 gallon, I found that if I opened the cover ( the feeding area) it helped some, I also found that having a fan blowing across the tank cooled it. How hot is it getting with the lights on? The most important thing...
  3. forman

    anyone from NJ

    I am from Jackson. Which LFS do the others from NJ use?