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  1. pieguy

    Help! All fish died...

    Originally Posted by codfish Ok, so we've had our Saltwater fish tank for about 7 months. We've done really well with it, despite a little algae problem. My husband did a water change on Saturday and when we got up Sunday morning ALL the fish were dead. There were about 10. The only thing he...
  2. pieguy

    Cycling Process? how long?

    Originally Posted by vtfishies i started my cycle 10 days ago..with 2 raw uncooked shrimp..cycled after 9 days..even the pet store checked..everything at is 8.0 temp is 78... some say put 1 shrimp per 50 gal. i used 2 due to i have a 75 gal... Do the shrimp stay in for very long? I am...
  3. pieguy

    Live sand and CC??

    I have a 60 gal with little live rock and CC for my substrate. Should I add some live sand? i just started to cycle my tank.
  4. pieguy

    HELP before I tear down my tank and go back to FW

    Never give up, never surrender
  5. pieguy

    Mated Maroons arrived

    Hi clown im a newbie and am cycling my tank right now. 60 gal, CC, 10 lb live rock, protein skimmer, carbon filter and looking forward to adding fish. At what point can I add anenome if at all so my future marroon clown can be happy???
  6. pieguy

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    I cant believe I'm doing this tank again. First I'm an idiot and dont add plain RO water for make up. My salinity climbed and my fish died. I even had taken my time with live rock, cycled tank and adding fish slow and after 6 months it went to Hell. So I drain it (saved my live rock) and set...
  7. pieguy

    Top Offs...

    Dont be an idiot like me and add made up saltwater. Live, lose (fish) money and learn. Get RO water and good luck.
  8. pieguy

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Originally Posted by Jerth6932 Glad I said it to you then!!! RO water is a pure form of water that you use in your tank, so you don't get nitrates, phosphates, ect. These things come in you normal drinking water. You can purchase a unit, or you can buy it from the store (wally world, food store)...