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  1. denduke

    Balli star?

    Have had this little dude for months now. LFS said he was reef safe. His color is so bright it's surreal. Is he doomed 'cause he doesn't seem to eat like the serpentine I've had for over a year now?....He crawls everywhere, kinda worried he might try to crawl out! Doesn't seem to be...
  2. denduke


    Is this just a "brown zoo" or sumthin else?...It ain't got the fringe like the others. Never had much luck with zoos but have had this a couple of years. It's the one on the left behind the purple mushroom. They'll close up on small food placed in their "cups" too...My photos stink, sorry...
  3. denduke


    Happy Easter! yous guys and ya'll down here in Dixie. Know any sweet taters????
  4. denduke

    Feeding 'rooms

    Wondered if anybody else does this. I take left over shinners/minnows (fishing bait) that I keep in old pool outside, scale'em, cut in small peices and when I feed my condy, carpet anemone I also put some on the big hairy mushrooms. One day I noticed they had big "mouths". After they close...
  5. denduke


    Hello, ya'll or youse guys... Hope to learn a lot here, prolly won't be able to contribute but this place looks like the snitz! Always had aquariums. Last couple of years got the minireef going. Always intrigued by the sea. Used to scuba north Florida and some in the Keys. Great new stuff...