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  1. missy39


    Well I think I know what part of my problem is, not big enough clean up crew. They should be shipped today! We just changed the bulbs and have done water changes. Of course the guy at the lfs didn't tell me that was what was growing on the rock. Me thinking it was so pretty, it's a great...
  2. missy39


    Hello All!! I'm very new to SW. I have a few questions, is this cyanobacteria growing? If so what is the best way to get rid of it and keep it from coming back? I sure wished I had come to this site along time ago. It has been very helpful. Thanks :help: Not sure if picture took!
  3. missy39

    Seaclone 100 in SC

    Do you still have the paperwork for the skimmer? Do you know what the shipping would be to 37398? Thanks