Search results

  1. talltexan

    4 sale 4 Seio 1500's

    I'll take the other two for you. Ron
  2. talltexan

    Few items for sale

    email sent on overflow
  3. talltexan

    Few items for sale

    What is the GPM on the overflow? I need one for my 75 gal refuge. Ron
  4. talltexan

    Reef club in dallas texas.?!?!!?!?!?

    Howdy! Here is a link to the dallas area club. Good luck
  5. talltexan

    WTB Mag 18 pump

  6. talltexan

    Cpr backpack overflow

    How much are you asking for the overflow?And how much to ship to 78250?
  7. talltexan

    WTB Mag 18 pump

    I am looking for a mag 18 pump to power my EV 400 skimmer Ron ***)