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  1. nikibunny


    ya you could do that. I would take them out 1 at a time though. You could take out a filter wait a week, then take out another. etc.....
  2. nikibunny


    oops just realized i was on my wifes account. This is Rabid Frog.
  3. nikibunny


    I really do not know the total answer to your question.... You do not need to have macro algae in your fuge right off the bat, but I dont know about swapping a fuge for a sump with out any adverse effects on your tank. Do you have any critters in your tank. If it was an empty tank and not one...
  4. nikibunny

    Aquapod first impressions

    i love my aquapod 12g. i have moonlights,regular pc's and it all came STOCK. you have to look closely for the moonlights they are LED, they are spacious.... I do see the light now that you mention it, but i am not anal so it does not bother me. I look at the LR and the inhabitants in the tank...
  5. nikibunny

    Aquapod Fan is too LOUD

    I have a 12g one also. i dont think its that loud? actually its very quiet compared to a fan in the bathroom, or our 75 gallon... see if it is working properly