Search results

  1. ntiller

    75 Gallon complete system for sale

    We are moving and need to down size. We have a 75 gallon system running for 7 years filter system and lighting system 1 year old. The system includes: 200 Gallon sump with protein skimmer. 2 250 watt Metal halide lights 2 power compacts 2 power fans for excess heat Canopy & Stand 100-125...
  2. ntiller

    Alk Off The Charts Maybe Why Acro Dying

    For the last few days we have been checking our water like crazy becuase acro is dying see other post. Last week my alk was low and my calcium was off the charts. NOW after testing for the last few days my calcium is 480 and my ALK is off the charts Salifert test does not even read it at all...
  3. ntiller

    hairy shrooms slimeing

    Mine had slim on it and it looked like it puked when it split. Not sure if you are having the same slim I had tho.
  4. ntiller

    My Acro is dying HELP

    here are more pics. The first one is the day I picked it up. This pic was not taken with my camera so the color is a little different due to camera. But this is how healthy it was last sunday. The other pics were taken yesterday.
  5. ntiller

    My Acro is dying HELP

    here is a pic. I hope it turns out ok
  6. ntiller

    My Acro is dying HELP

    I have a 55g and a 76g fish only on the same filter system. How do I post pics here. I tried and it said file to big.
  7. ntiller

    My Acro is dying HELP

    Sure I can send the pics. What email address.
  8. ntiller

    My Acro is dying HELP

    THe acro is at the top of the tank almost in the middle and it does not have anything else near it. I have a 55g tank and a 400gph powerhead that was pointed in the general direction. Strong Flow in the direction. The tank is 5 years old and this was my first whole colony of acro I do have a...
  9. ntiller

    My Acro is dying HELP

    I purchased the most beautiful piece of acro last sunday. It was greenish blue with electic blue tips. I was so proud of it. I watched it very closely over the last few days and it appeared to be doing great. Colors were awesome polops out. Well today I looked at it and it was starting to...
  10. ntiller

    coral lighting

    yes that will work fine. I just have different things in each tank not all require the same lighting.
  11. ntiller

    coral lighting

    Good Luck on only buying lighting once. I started my first 29 g tank 2 years ago and now I have a 29, 2 55's, 75 and 2 10's for snails and quarentine tank. I thought when I started I would only have to do it once. I just bought mh 3 days ago. This hobby is more addicting than crack. Good...
  12. ntiller

    Coraline algae doesnt grow under MH??

    I have a question about this. I recently bought some lr from a lfs and it has bright orange coraline (at least I think it is) all over it. I have never seen it bright orange before. I have purple and red but this one is like UT orange. kinda wierd. Has anyone seen orange before? Also I...
  13. ntiller

    Power is out...

    We had this problem and my lfs told me to go get hot hands (like a heating pad that you shake and hold in your hands to warm them in the winter) and tripple bag them with ziplocks and float them in the water with air pumps to keep the water temp up. It worked wonders. Make sure your tripple or...
  14. ntiller

    Valentini Puffer

    My Valentini jumped out of a tiny crack in the back of my tank. He was out of the water for 8-10 mins. before we found him. I put him back in the water and he lived for a week then died. I miss him. He had the best personality. I will get another one someday.
  15. ntiller

    Tomato Clowns

    This is my first post, and I am glad to be here! I hope I can learn a lot during my stay!!! I have 2 tomato clowns in one tank. They were not a pair when I got them. I bought one for my 55 gallon tank and my dog trainer tried to start a saltwater tank and couldnt keep up with it so he gave me...