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  1. wdgosnell

    Cowfish Help!!!!

    Can anyone tell me why my cowfish/boxfish was bright yellow upon purchase several weeks ago and is now half yellow and half seems to be very healthy and my water quality levels are normal with the exception of the salinity being a little too high... HELP!!!
  2. wdgosnell

    Atlanta Aquarium

    Visited the Atl Aquarium this pasat saturday: the biggest indoor aquarium in the world....if anyone has the chance to visit then I highly recommend some great pics of the place too!!
  3. wdgosnell

    Most expensive death?

    How about this.....We had a really bad ice storm here in SC back in December. It knocked the entire upstate out of power for 5's what I lost: Green Wrasse Pink Psuedo. FoxFace Percula Clown Clarky Clown Long Tip Anomone 200 Snails 80pounds Live Rock Leather Coral lawnmower blemmy...
  4. wdgosnell

    What is all this red algae??

    it's definitly red, slimy and has bubbles in it....if it is cyno, then what do I do to get rid of it? And better yet, what causes it?
  5. wdgosnell

    What is all this red algae??

    Just started me tank about 6 months ago.....just recently I've had a substantial growth of this red bubbly algae growing on my powerhead towards the top of the tank....Is this bad? Good? Will it go away on its own?
  6. wdgosnell

    Best for the Job??

    Does anyone have a suggestion about the best fish to use to stir the sand in my tank.....after months of sitting it began growing algae or some sort of brown substance.....I need a fish or something to mix it up...any suggestions??
  7. wdgosnell

    Hannibal Lecter in my tank!!

    Ok....I just bought a cleaner shrimp for my tank....I have great water quality and about 5 other I drop this little [hr] in there and an hour later I see one of my crabs enjoying a $25 piece of this normal? Will crabs instictively eat shrimp upon their arrival for...
  8. wdgosnell

    The best way to rid my tank of ICK???

    I have had a good tank setup for some time. Last week I purchased a Naso tang that died about 2 hours after insertion into my tank. I took it back to the pet store with an alternate water sample was instantly given my money back due to the fact that 90% of their shipment had already died for...
  9. wdgosnell

    Lighting needs for a coral tank!!

    Damn, that was awesome info. Thanks a million!!!
  10. wdgosnell

    Lighting needs for a coral tank!!

    Alright guys, here goes.....I've had a saltwater tank for some time but I'm upgrading to a 75 gallon and would love to make this one a coral tank as well.....what I need info on is the lighting situation.....what type works the best? Fans needed?....all that type of stuff would be greatly...
  11. wdgosnell

    Brown algea like substance that won't go away

    It's only a 55 gallon has a filter made for a 90 gallon tank though. The stuff on the walls wipes away with ease but keeps coming back. As far as the bulbs go, I have what's called a half and half: half actinic and half daylight....not sure if that's the best either....which might...
  12. wdgosnell

    Brown algea like substance that won't go away

    Thanks for all the responses....could be all of the above...I leave the lights on for a good 16 hours per that too long?......I have a couple of power heads and a filter but what could make the water move more than it should?.......I don't over feed the fish, that's for sure. And as...
  13. wdgosnell

    Brown algea like substance that won't go away

    Have this brown algae looking stuff on my tank walls.....tried chemi-clear and multiple other items but after scrubbing it away it just comes right back....also, how do I keep the red algea near my lights from reoccuring?