Search results

  1. makairadiver

    uv sterilizers

    I have a 80 gallon tank with a wet & dry filter. I recently ordered a 15 Watts uv. The problem I have is a lot of disease in my tank very often. It went from ick, to white velvet, to dead fish. After a while ,all seemed ok and now it has ick again. Do you think that uv is enough for my tank to...
  2. makairadiver

    white patches and white eyes?

    I had what seemed a very healthy fish and invertebrate tank and suddenly this white ,slimy looking patches appear on all my fish and they are no longer alive. At the same time they had ick and I was treating my tank with GREENEX, because of my anemones. The water seems to be perfect as far as...
  3. makairadiver

    Algae bloom, what can I do?

    My tank is almost covered with red algae. I have a lot of live rock and it is starting to cover it too. I have been doing two water changes a week for the last two weeks and it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I have 220 Watts of lighting and I 've beeing keeping it off for almost all day. My...
  4. makairadiver

    Red Algae

    I have a 72 Bow Front tank and it's been running for the last eight months. Just recently a red algae looking bloom has covered almost all my substrate. I have been siphoning it twice a week for the last two weeks and it doesn't seem to be improving any. Some people have told me that it is a...