Search results

  1. charmin_fatcat

    Percula clown host

    I have a tank raised tomato clown along with a bubble tip anemone, which he loves. I would not buy another anemone unless it was captive bred, due to the fact that anemones live like 100 years in the ocean, but 3-5 years in captivity is the maximum, from what I have read. There is a place that...
  2. charmin_fatcat

    help with yellow tang

    You may want to post this in disease and treatment to see if you get any more replies, or do a search. How are your water conditions? It sounds like it may be a parasite, but I have only had experience with ich with my tangs=( If it is a parasite, you will have to treat with antibiotics in a...
  3. charmin_fatcat

    question for the Picasso Trigger expert....

    Great fish- I have had one for just about a year soon. Quite a personality on him, likes to chew on the live rock and pick up sand and spit it out through his gills- quite concerning to me the first time I saw it! They like to arrange their home to their liking, will dig caves, move sand...
  4. charmin_fatcat

    Bubble tip anemone

    Hello, I have a bubble tip with a tomato clown in a 55 gallon tank. I have had this anemone for several months and seems to be doing fine. Today I have noticed that he is moving around the tank alot, which I know they do until they find the right spot. But now he is on the sand and the clown...
  5. charmin_fatcat

    eel help

    Just thought that I would mention that when you get an eel, make sure he can not escape out of your tank!! They will fit through a very small opening. I had bought a snowflake and thought that the lid was okay on the tank, he escaped, thank goodness I was there to save him, as I heard some...
  6. charmin_fatcat

    Its back

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Great job everyone! :) :) :)
  7. charmin_fatcat

    HELP! Blue Starfish sick????

    I don't know what is wrong with your starfish, but have read that handeling them can kill. Something about the oils in our hands-maybe someone with more experience with starfish can shead some light on this? Good luck with him. I had a really pretty one that ended up dying a few months back...
  8. charmin_fatcat

    garlic question

    I have treated with garlic before, and had a hard time FINDING gel tabs, anyways after a long search did find some and they were even odor free! I thought that I hit the jackpot, it doesn't make the tank smell, but does look a tish oily after putting the food in, but that goes away quickly. I...
  9. charmin_fatcat

    Help,, 1st time with any disease??

    Well, I am fairly new to this also. My boyfriend is the saltwater person in our house, but I am getting to know my way around fairly well. Doing research and reading this board definately helps!! Anyways my two cents are: Go and get a hospital tank NOW!!! You should have had one set up...
  10. charmin_fatcat


    I agree with the above posts, a week is too long. Two days maybe, but a week? What about a friend/neighbor? There are also businesses that can come into your home to feed your fish, and they are reasonably priced. If you went through one of these companies and didn't want them fed 2x a day...
  11. charmin_fatcat

    Lessons learned

    I have not had very good luck with buying fish from *****....most of the one's I have bought from there have ick. I think that they cycle their water from one tank to another which transfers the disease to the other tanks. I am not sure of this, but that is what I suspect. The store in my...
  12. charmin_fatcat

    turbo snail releasing something???

    Thanks Mithrax for the reply. There was not another snail near him when he released this substance, but could be sperm? I guess if it is I have a boy snail=) Any body else have any ideas? He is still alive and seems to be doing great, so it must not have been anything abnormal for them to do.
  13. charmin_fatcat

    Feeding anemone's

    I have a bubble tip and feed it frozen Formula One two times a week. I put it into the water and the tomato clown will bring it down to him. I have read various opinions on how much/often to feed, but have read many suggestions that you don't want to overfeed. (Which is obvious) Some people...
  14. charmin_fatcat

    turbo snail releasing something???

    I have a 55 gallon reef tank, with a yellow tang and tomato clown with a bubble tip anenomie. I have recently noticed that one of my turbo snails is releasing a liquid into the water, it looks like smoke (white milky substance) coming out of him. I have not seen this behavior before and am...