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  1. rickesco

    Maggot/worm like things

    Thanks, Sorry no picture my cheapo digital camera couldn't get that close. Are these OK to have? The protein skimmer is covered with them.
  2. rickesco

    Maggot/worm like things

    Today I was cleaning the tank and found white little maggot/wormlike things all over the power head intake and inside the protien skimmer. and skimmer motor WHAT ARE THESES THINGS!!!!!! Help... Rick
  3. rickesco

    Help...temp is rising

    I also want to thank everyone for your input. I too am having water temp issues. Thanks -Rick
  4. rickesco

    New Lighting

    Thanks Dave.. Appreciate your help Went into Dr Foster & Smith and found the Nova Extreme T-5 Fixtures (216 watts) w/Lunar Lights for 200.00 bucks..Good deal????
  5. rickesco

    New Lighting

    2-Condi Anemones
  6. rickesco

    New Lighting

    Currently I have the following 1 Clown, 1 Yellow Tang, 3 Damsels, 2 Anemones and a couple of Polyp - Green Ricordea and Mushroom Polyp - Umbrella. I have 65lbs of live rock and 40 lbs of life sand. I like to add more soft coral and a couple of more fish.
  7. rickesco

    New Lighting

    Ok what am I looking for. What type of bulbs, watts etc. Do I go for 48" hood or open top with the light a few inches above the tank..
  8. rickesco

    New Lighting

    So what can I get for what kind of money??
  9. rickesco

    New Lighting

    Well It's time for me to buy new lighting for my 55 Gal. I have fish, LR, LS and a couple of anemones. Which would be the right light under 150 bucks. Appreciate your opinions... Rick
  10. rickesco

    Coral Question

    Thanks again for your terrific assistance, Which coral do you suggest I can have in the tank? Also when should I add the Cleaning crew?
  11. rickesco

    Coral Question

    Yeap.. No I purchase these last week. When I had my freshwater tank I had other bulbs and the LFS recommended that I should replace them with these light for the saltwater.
  12. rickesco

    Coral Question

    it's a 55 gallon, 15 watt bulbs and it's 18K
  13. rickesco

    Coral Question

    55 gal and I believe they are 18 watts each
  14. rickesco

    Coral Question

    normal output flourecents and I have 4 lights. Don't tell me these will not do the job?
  15. rickesco

    Coral Question

    In regards to the salt, the LFS guy told me to leave it like that for a couple more weeks then raise it to 1.025. But what you're telling me I should go ahead and raise it now? I'm using High intensity lights "Power Glow" Fluorescent Bulbs that I keep on for about 10 hours per day. Gawd...
  16. rickesco

    Coral Question

    Well again thank you for your input and help...
  17. rickesco

    Coral Question

    What is a "QT" tank? Sorry still new
  18. rickesco

    Coral Question

    Thanks for the insight info, you've been very helpful. I guess if you had to do it all over again you would of waited on the fish? I think I'll take your advise and wait until the tank fully cycled before I add my fish. Don't want mean fish in the tank.. Rick
  19. rickesco

    Coral Question

    Obviously you waited until your tank cycled completly right.? My LFS tried to convince me to go ahead and place some Damsels in right now, but what I've been reading in this forum I should wait and don't put the fish through that just for them to die.
  20. rickesco

    Coral Question

    Yes my plan is to add fish and coral. I guess I still have a way to go before that happens. So you suggest clean up crew before fish. How long after the crew do I place the fish?