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  1. kattired34

    New Coral and Shrooms (PICS)

    Is that one open? I have been waiting and waiting for it to open. I haven't gotten over to that side of Sac in a while. Thanks.
  2. kattired34

    New reef recommendations

    I am going to be adding corals to my 90 gal. FWLR tank. I have PC lighting, UV, skimmer, and filter. Is there anything else that I would need before getting the corals? Also what types of corals to you recommend for a beginner? I don't want to accidentally end up with something I am going to...
  3. kattired34

    Green Water??? Help!!!!!

    Would the bottled water at Safeway work? Either the spring or the filtered? Also, I have a Pure water filter on my tap, would the water from this work? I know I would go through the filters fast.
  4. kattired34

    Green Water??? Help!!!!!

    I am running a protien skimmer but I am worried about the anenome that I have had for quite a while. He is the main reason I bought the lights. I can't tell if he is ok. It seems to be getting greener every day evern with the water changes. No I am not using RO water (bad girl, I know but...
  5. kattired34

    Green Water??? Help!!!!!

    I have a 90 Gallon tank with lr/ls. I recently move the tank and added a new compact florescent light. I tried to save as much of the water as I could but only got about half. Now the water is green, not the sides of the tank the actual water. We have been having a heat spell and the...
  6. kattired34

    coraline algae

    Doesn't that scratch the glass?
  7. kattired34

    coraline algae

    How do you remove the coraline algae from the front of the tank? It interfers with my viewing pleasure and it does not come off with the algae scraper.
  8. kattired34

    Algae - What kind and is it ok.

    Sand bed, about 3". I have 2 filters hang on the tank type that move the water pretty good. One has no media in it so that the water does not slow down.
  9. kattired34

    Algae - What kind and is it ok.

    This BCS has molted about 10 times and is getting very large. He has gotten so aggressive he even comes out to chase the fish away from his cave when the light is on. I was read an article on them somewere and it said that BCS males are more aggressive than the females. I guess I got a male.
  10. kattired34

    Algae - What kind and is it ok.

    Will work on getting a skimmer, budget allowing. I had a pretty good clean up crew but my Banded Coral Shrimp has become quite aggressive and has killed most of them. I just put a starfish in the tank the other day and he killed in one day. Pulled it into many pieces. He has also killed all...
  11. kattired34

    Algae - What kind and is it ok.

    Don't have a skimmer, LFS told me I didn't need one yet. I have had the anemome for a few months now and it is happy and growing.
  12. kattired34

    Algae - What kind and is it ok.

    I have a 90 gallon tank with 3 damsels, 1 nemo, royal Gramma, 1 hermit crab (thanks to my BCS), 5 snails (that only crawl on the glass), 1 banded coral shrimp, and 1 pink tipped hatian anenome. The water quality is fine, some live rock and some neutral rock. The florescent lights are on for...
  13. kattired34

    Hungry Anenome???

    Not unless he molds part of his body as well as his shell. I checked all the rockwork and cannot find him. CBS was my second thought, but since his parts were under the anenome's rock thought about him first. Guess I just have to do something about my CBS. Do you know if he will attack my...
  14. kattired34

    Hungry Anenome???

    Hello, I am somewhat new to saltwater but have been doing fresh for years. One question, did my anonome eat my arrow crab? I have a Pink Tip Haitian Anemone. My arrow crab was doing great and one morning all I found of him was pieces, just under the rock of the anenome. If not what could...