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  1. damzel_grl

    Please help ID new fishy friend

    Originally Posted by promisetbg Just to let you know..I have been in this hobby for just over three years,and I don't consider my self an expert, but I do research constantly,work at an LFS,and have maintained this 75 gal tank for the three years I have been in the hobby.I also have a 65 and...
  2. damzel_grl

    Please help ID new fishy friend

    Originally Posted by promisetbg Ok..where to start.Welcome is the first thing I will say! let's try to fix what is wrong with your set-up. Colored or otherwise what is considered freshwater decorations cannot be used in saltwater set-ups as the colors can leech chemicals into the...
  3. damzel_grl

    Please help ID new fishy friend

    Originally Posted by Dragonladylea First question I have is what exactly did you get with the "swf setup" ? As you can tell by now you cannot always trust everything you are told by a lfs. Your best source of information is the forums like this one imo. And try to never "impulse buy" without...
  4. damzel_grl

    Please help ID new fishy friend

    Originally Posted by DaneDodger But have you tested it since you put fish in it? Within only a few days, at the most I'd say, those readings are going to explode. Your readings all said 0 for a month because there was no biological waste raising the ammonia leading to the growth of beneficial...
  5. damzel_grl

    Please help ID new fishy friend

    Originally Posted by Sagowitz You didn't cycle the tank, right? The tank has been set up for about a month. We have been testing the water every other day. The reading have been amon=0, trites=0, trates=0, PH 8.3 and the salinity(sp) has been at 1.022.
  6. damzel_grl

    Please help ID new fishy friend

    We are starting with just a 10 gallon for now. If all goes okay we will be upgrading to a bigger one, something like a 55, maybe. Were just getting started, actually went to fish store to get a new betta and end up coming home with a swf set up. As we didn't find this site until we bought...
  7. damzel_grl

    Please help ID new fishy friend

    Thank you for the quick response. Will these two be mean to a clown fish?
  8. damzel_grl

    Please help ID new fishy friend

    Were purchased what we thought were 2 were two damzels from ***** today. One is most cecrtainly a domino damzel. He has a very sassy personality and for being so little is not afraid of anything. The other one I'm not so sure is a damzel. He is black and white striped and we thought he was a...