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  1. mmarkase


    55g 20"h power compacts. It's rolled into a ball and the currents just blows it around. it tries to settle but can't.
  2. mmarkase


    I have a pink tip Anemones, about two weeks ago it shriveled up into a ball and has been rolling around the tank. How do i get it to settle and grow out it's tenicales? Or is it dying?
  3. mmarkase

    algea on my sand bed

    Red and freen algea started developing on one side of my tanks sand. Is this something i should leave or try and remove. :help:
  4. mmarkase

    colt coral

    I purchased a colt coral about three weeks ago. When i first got the coral it was flowing with the current of the water. It looked alive and thriving. Know it's curled up and does not move much. Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong. Thanks :help:
  5. mmarkase


    I used tap water when i first started with my 55g reef tank. I was told later on that this is not good, because tap it has additives. When i did mt last water change i purchased water from my LFS, this turned my tank a redish brown. My questions is can i use BOTTLED Water, Deer PARK POLAND...
  6. mmarkase

    turning red

    i have had the tank for about 3 months, i alsready have snails, crabs, shrimp, and a few other inverts. This problem just appeard after a water change. I used tap water, but when i did a 20% water cahnge i bought the water from my Local Fish Store. I have fish in the tank is this dangerous?
  7. mmarkase

    turning red

    Everything in my tank is starting to turn redish brown. What is this and how do i control it. It's on the sand, glass, rocks, even corals.
  8. mmarkase

    What type filter

    I have about 60pds of live rock in my tank. Should the filter really matter?
  9. mmarkase

    What type filter

    I am looking to purchase a new filter for my 55g reef tank. What should i look for and how much should i spend. My local fish guy says the olny filter i should consider is a wet/dry. Thanks for the help. MM :help:
  10. mmarkase

    New Hobby

    I used unfiltered tap water. My tank was cycled, all the test where on line. My problem started when i did my frst 10% water change. Is water the water change necessary? The butterfly, Angel, Wrasse and Clowns where doing very well for over a month. Then one by one died.
  11. mmarkase

    New Hobby

    i recked my tanks try to get them out, i do not plan on putting them back. They attacked each other and also my other fish. Any others that might do well in a new tank?
  12. mmarkase

    New Hobby

    what type of fish do you recommend for a young tank?
  13. mmarkase

    New Hobby

    the tank was cycled, and thwe rock are on sand. The fish i bought over a months time one at a time. My test where fine untill i moved stuff around. The reason i moved the rock was to catch the damsals. The damsels where attacking my other fish. I took the damsels out. But i lost a Butterfly, an...
  14. mmarkase

    New Hobby

    I started this hobby about 2.5 months ago. Things where going well untill it started messing with the tank. I was told to change 10% of water monthly. Also shifted my live rock. That when it all started, my fish died one by one. I lost a total of 5 fish in one week. What am i doing wrong...