Search results

  1. pilar

    ID please

    I'd be curious if there are any other ideas about this clam type creature. I found two similar "clams" on the trunk of one of my frogspawsn. It looks like two clams formed in the bark if you will of the trunk of the frogspawn. It opens and closes just like a clam the shell does not resemble...
  2. pilar

    New fish

    I also just bought one of the sweetlips from the lfs because it was pretty - not knowing anything about the fish other than what was provided on the tank. I see it was a big mistake. Lesson learned!!
  3. pilar

    ammonia spike from hell

    I have been going through the very same thing with my 29 gal. Fortunately, a friend of mine has two tanks and was able to take some of my corals but unfortunately I lost all of my fish and other creatures. I had actually added about 10 lbs. of live rock and I'm afraid that is what caused my...
  4. pilar

    cloudy water

    I am so glad this site exists. I've learned so much just reading the threads. My tank is new and thought it had cycled (probably 2 months old now). Water levels are checking out perfect, however, my flaming clam and yellow cucumber just died. I think it may have been several things based on...
  5. pilar

    Worm reproduction? (feather duster)

    I would be interested in finding out if anyone else has experienced the feather duster extending out further than usual. I just acquired one and when got up this morning to feed the fish I notice it had exteded about 2-3 inches past the neck of the crown. It almost looked like it was crawling...
  6. pilar

    Starfish Question

    Does anyone know how long a detached starfish limb will take to regenerate itself? If the starfish is actually reproducing, I'm curious how long it would take for a new starfish to form. Any ideas?
  7. pilar

    So you are new here....

    Wow!! What an incredible site!! I just recently, within the last week purchased a 29 gallon tank. :cheer: One of the other SWF members has been providing me a tremendous amount of help to get my new expensive hobby going!! Right now the tank is cycling and all I have is sand and water...