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  1. rsxgirly

    Upside down lion...

    thanks so much for the info :) but how about his fins? why did they suddenly shrink in size and become pointy instead of being open like they were in the first couple of pictures?? thanks a zillion!
  2. rsxgirly

    Upside down lion...

    Now my fish has gone crazy His fins are half the size they used to be, and they're not open anymore.. they seem to be curled upon themselves they even look pointy... I can't really explain it so here are some pictures. Any idea what this could be? I took him out of the 55 gal and put him...
  3. rsxgirly

    Upside down lion...

    Here is my fishy.. he's a volitan... after taking a few pictures, he got bothered by the flash and moved down a bit
  4. rsxgirly

    Upside down lion...

    Tank details: 55 gal wet dry system all levels are at 0 about 30 lbs of rock... He is breathing. He will eat the live shrimp but only one... out of the two that we're supposed to give him. when u go to feed him he will drop down to the bottom part of the tank, but after he finishes eating he...
  5. rsxgirly

    Upside down lion...

    After my tank going crazy and it finally recycling... the water got perfect and I decided to start new again with a lionfish and a coral. I put both in yesterday. The coral is doing wonderfully and the lion fish...well that's another story... he's in a corner of the tank..upside down.. belly...
  6. rsxgirly

    My tank went buzzerk!

    Originally Posted by Fishman830 i hope it's cured rock!!!! yes it's cured rock.. i went to a couple of aquariums looking for the rock... these people have a good reputation for rock. i also put coral lights in today and found my two remaining fish to have ich... i put them in the quarantine...
  7. rsxgirly

    My tank went buzzerk!

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz What are you current levels? Pretty much the same. I've got ammonia at 1, nitrites at .5 and nitrates at about 15 ppm.... I figured out something else I did wrong, i removed one of the filters inside the wet dry when i put in the skimmer. The guy at the...
  8. rsxgirly

    My tank went buzzerk!

    Originally Posted by Fishman830 when did you add the first fish?? I cycled the tank with damsels for about a month, then took them out, and put in the nemo. He's still alive. Then i put in the gubbie, the tang and later the flame angel. The flame angel is the only one that has died.
  9. rsxgirly

    My tank went buzzerk!

    I don't really remember the name of the antibiotics but it was made by Merdel labs. There's a gubbie, a yellow tang, a nemo, a slug, 3 emerald crabs and a pom pom crab all still living in the tank....
  10. rsxgirly

    My tank went buzzerk!

    Hey guys. I'm new to this whole salt water tank thingy, but so far everything was going good. Until now. Let me describe my setup for you and then tell you the problem. I set up a 55gal tank in mid Feb. With 40 lbs of live sand, about 20 lbs of live rock (so far), and a wet dry filter. I...