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  1. steve223

    help - color of live rock changed...

    thank you very much
  2. steve223

    help - color of live rock changed...

    My aquarium has been set up for 8 weeks. It has cycled amonia - 0 nitrates - 0 but, there is a orange rust color all over my live rock and the glass. The fish and coral are fine. :help:
  3. steve223

    MH Light makes temp rise

    What coral or fish like 82 to 84?
  4. steve223

    MH Light makes temp rise

    My aquarium has been set up for 5 weeks. I just got a new MH/Flor system. The water tempature in my aquarium rose from 78 to 84. I set my heater on 82 to keep H2O the same. Only LR and 2 gobys in 55 gal tank. What corals and fish like 84 water? Thanks for all your help...
  5. steve223

    Every single one of my fish is now dead...

    Really sorry about loss, but a lot of this information is going to be very helpful to those of us just starting...
  6. steve223

    Every single one of my fish is now dead...

    Originally Posted by sleasia Also your tank is only 4 months old. It may not have had an adequate biological filter yet to handle the amount of fish/inverts/corals....I'm doing FOWLR and inverts, so I shouldn't give reef advice, but I'm not convinced that cannister filters do much on their own...
  7. steve223

    MH lights raise tempature

    I just put new MH lights on my aquarium, the previous temp was 78 and with lights on for 10 hours, the temp is 84. I raised my heater temp to 82 to keep water same temp. It has been set up for 6 weeks, just LR and 2 gobys. Is there coral and fish that like 82-84 degrees. Where could I get a...
  8. steve223

    New Light for SW aquarium

  9. steve223

    New Light for SW aquarium

    I have had 2 FW aquarium fo 15 years. Last month decided to go SW. 55 gal with LR abd two small gobys, it is still in cycling phase (week 5). I decided to buy a combo light with MH and Flor by "cloralife". My question is water tempature. It seems like the MH are going to really heat the...