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  1. wnnareef

    yellow tang looks like Bac inf.

    i have my main tank in hypo right now from ich, the ich has been gone for a few weeks but nowmy yellow tang looks like it has a bacterial infection, how should i treat this, i just setup a QT should get my levels back to normal and movr him? how should i treat it? would melafix work?... please help
  2. wnnareef

    ich, LR & intverts

    thanks alot
  3. wnnareef

    ich, LR & intverts

    Would it be ok to hyposalinate my display FO tank? or should i move the fish? can i treat it with hyposalinity with LR and inverts? i need some input PLEASE
  4. wnnareef

    ich, LR & intverts

    Hey, I have a 55 gal with ich, LR and Inverts, i do have another tank (but with live sand substrate) so instead of movin the fish in the other tankand treating there. I moved th LR and inverts and started to treat the big tank with *Rid ich i dunno if this product works(any input would be...
  5. wnnareef

    New tank Community or Aggressive

    thanks for the input guys, please keep it comin im wide open to any input, does everything think that zoos would be ok?
  6. wnnareef

    New tank Community or Aggressive

    Im askin advice on which way to tank my 1 month old 55gal setup, at present i have 2 small damsels(survived cycle), a small niger trigger and a spiny urchin i know the trigger already limits me but i want to go semi-reef, i already have about 10 lbs of live rock but any input on which direction...