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  1. 8mlawrence

    vpurple tang vitamins?

    Thank you guys for all of your advice, although most of our fish are still babies, I'm sure we'll have means of aquiring everybodys happy and suggusted sizes of habitats. Thank you for the vit stats!
  2. 8mlawrence

    vpurple tang vitamins?

    Hello, I recieved basic care sheets on all of the fish in my 225g. This includes stars n stripes, porcupine, 4-stripe damsel, blonde naso, huma trigger, and 2 and 3 month new panther, red snapper, powder blue, sailfin, yellow, and purple tang. My concern is that the purple tang care sheet is the...
  3. 8mlawrence

    picture posting

    Helo, I cant find my earlier posts. Can somebody tell me how to post pictures? Not very computer smart but can follow directions. Help me to help my fishies please. :happyfish
  4. 8mlawrence

    puffer euthanasia

    THose sound like stories to me, I've heard snaping the neck is the fastest and absolutely most painless way. Which way is right? They are all so vast of each other.
  5. 8mlawrence

    Fish stuck in powerhead

    Hello. We had a 3-4 inch stars n stripes puffer get his face(lips and cheek area) stuck because the foam fell off. 3 years later he's 12 inches big. Keep good spirits for him, i think they know.
  6. 8mlawrence

    cant find.

    I just lost my 2 posts and cant find them. Can somebody help me locate where they moved to? Had posts in disease and well, and then gone, tech support please?
  7. 8mlawrence

    Panther Grouper seems hurt!

    Hello, i feel do bad for your panther. I had one pass away. He grew up with a bent neck and ate great till the end. Im not sure about what to do about broke jaw though. doesnt sound healable and then be able to eat againable though.