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  1. kradkins

    Concerned About my Leathers

    I'm still relatively new to this hobby. I've had my 55 gal corner bow tank for just over a year now. Supposedly leathers are easier to maintain than hard corals. Well right now my hard corals are doing better than my leathers. The leathers have been shriveled for at least three weeks now. Some...
  2. kradkins

    Leathers Drooping

    I checked this past Sunday, they are all good. I was happy and surprised to even see nitrate down at 20 just prior to the water change. I have not checked calcium in a while. Saline has been a bit high over the last few weeks to my surpise. So, I've been gradually working it back down to normal...
  3. kradkins

    Leathers Drooping

    I have some leathers that are drooping, staying frooped, and getting a tad gray, three out of four. Not sure why. One is a toad stool that has done well up to about a week ago. Any ideas?
  4. kradkins

    Is my anenome dying?

    I had a bad habit of handling my corals when I first started. Some I think died because of the excess handling. So, I try not to fuse with the aniamls to much once they are in the tank. The floating anenome has attached itself to the glass at water level. It is full again, . Thanks eveyone...
  5. kradkins

    Is my anenome dying?

  6. kradkins

    Is my anenome dying?

    One anenome is doing fine still. The other is now shriveled up floating at the top of the tank, . How much more light?
  7. kradkins

    Is my anenome dying?

    Tank: 55 gal. corner bow tank. Age: Coming up on one year. Lights: Coralife 30" Aqualight, Double 10,000k Daylight 65watt, Double Antinic 03 Blue 65watt, with a Lunar on each side. I run the lights 12 off by 12 on. Anenomes: Florida Condi. This morning the anenome tentacles are somewhat...
  8. kradkins

    Is my anenome dying?

    I just puchased two anenomies. There are was a great addition to the tank. Lighten up what has been a dark burgandy tank with the color rock I have and the few animals. Anyway, they were nicely placed near some rock bottons on a shelf. They both were fine and seemed to settle in right away...