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    opinions on tanks

    do u prefer coral tanks or tanks contaning triggers, eels, and like that
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    Finally pics (albeit mediocre) of my 90 BB reef with starboard

    how did u set up ur rocks....what kind?,,,cost?
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    r u serious u actually feed ur fish several types of food...i feed my dogs the same dog food every day and hes perfectly happy
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    i just started with melafix and stress coat...the water is ideal and i feed brine shrimp with immune boost as well as algae
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    torn fin. help!

    its a big hole probably a bite
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    sailfin tang and a good sized hole in the upper fin
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    how long before a checkerboard wrasse matures
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    torn fin. help!

    How Long Before Its Healed
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    products for torn fin

    how long will it take to repair
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    What can i use to help my fish grow back a long does it take
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    checkerboard wrasse

    does anyone know what they look like as they become adults and how long does it take to please
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    checkerboard wrasse

    does anyone know what they look like as adults and how long does it take to mature
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    Name this Fish

    how big is ur tank
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    torn fin. help!

    the sailfin is a baby and the tank is large enough to house it... the aggression seems to no longer be taking place...the sailfin has been eating brine shrimp with boosted immune system as well as algae and i put stress coat in this morning...will that do the trick
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    torn fin. help!

    i just purchased a sailfin and after it was acclimated my spotted hawkfish attacked it and tore the fin. he attacked it one day later as can i get it to stop attacking? What can i use to fisx the fin and how long does it take?
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    fish stores in south florida

    mystic, what store are you talking about?
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    38 gallon tank... post opinions

    its not dimly lit at all its lit very nicely and he tells me all the time how much he enjoys it
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    fish help

    36x12x24 38 gallons 6 months old with a checkerboard wrasse a pixy hawk, torch coral, montipora cup, and a colt coral
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    fish help

    just got a new fish, water conditions are perfect everything is at 0 except nitrate is at 20, i have no idea what went wrong but the fish seems like its about to die after 2 days
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    what to put in a 38 gallon sw tank

    get some coral