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  1. velvetchs

    Book about inverts.

    Marine Invertebrates by Ronald L Shimek is the pocket expert guide similar to Marine Fishes. The only thing I don't like about it is the rating system for coral lighting. For example, this book says any zooanthids need bright illumination. Okay, that's good, but what does that mean? It has...
  2. velvetchs

    Buying online and free shiping

    The 9.99 is just once per order. However, there may be a fuel surcharge right now because of gas prices. Just put what you want to order into your cart - it'll tell you your total before you have to enter credit card info.
  3. velvetchs

    need a wrasse I.D. please

    It might be a chiseltooth wrasse (Pseudodax moluccanus). It is kind of hard to tell by the pic in Michael's Marine Fishes (the pic is an insert since the fish is a juvi). The pic is on page 316. If that is what it is, the book says: Max length 9.8 in Min tank size 75 gal Eats meaty foods (may...
  4. velvetchs

    Knowledge here on clams?

    Where do you get your water from? Do you make it or buy it from a lfs? We had a lot of nitrate issues in our tank; explanations ran everywhere from cc as a substrate to having a bio-wheel. Tested the water we were buying - sky high nitrates! Needless to say, we stopped buying it and bought a...
  5. velvetchs

    high nitrate- please help!!

    50% water change pretty drastic, but if you made sure the parameters in the water you were using matched the tank, ie. PH, SG and temp, you should be good to go. I agree with that. However, damsels and clowns are pretty hardy fish, I wouldn't worry to much about them; it's the cc star, you...
  6. velvetchs

    high nitrate- please help!!

    What type of substrate do you have? If you have crushed coral, you need to be vacuuming it regularly. I run an emperor bio-wheel 350 on my 46 bow also. If you are worried about the filter media here was what I was told when I had high nitrate issues: First, rinse your bio-wheel and filter media...
  7. velvetchs

    Question about brittle stars

    I can actually hand feed mine. They come out when I bring food to them. It feels pretty cool when they touch you. Mine don't bother anything really. My green chromis and one of my peppermint shrimp share a spot at night with the larger of my 2 brittles. However, if they get hungry enough, they...
  8. velvetchs

    Question about brittle stars

    As long as you can see their arms, you can spot feed them. Just place or actually hold a piece of food/pellets near them and they will grab it. When I got mine, I was told that they are scavengers, but spot-feeding regularly is best. Feed them a variety of fresh seafood. Mine favor shrimp over...
  9. velvetchs

    Going to the atlanta aquarium... anyone been?

    They had a lot of different animals there. Let me think... elephants, kangaroos, a reptile house, black rhino... They divided the zoo into different areas around the world. The only bad thing when we went was they had several baby animals, so some of the animals were housed elsewhere (pandas...
  10. velvetchs

    Going to the atlanta aquarium... anyone been?

    My husband, 5yr old daughter, and I went to the aquarium and the zoo back in October. I wasn't all that impressed with it. The Baltimore aquarium was much better I thought. We had a blast at the zoo and spent almost the entire day there. There are several people on the boards, if I remember...
  11. velvetchs


    While it may not be the normal attitude for decorator crabs, my friend got one has a hitchhiker and instead of decorating itself, it ATE her corals. Just be aware that they may have this type of personality.
  12. velvetchs

    Question on brittle star size

    Thanks everybody. I wasn't sure when I was reading my Marine Invertebrates by Ronald Shimek and he gave a maximum size of 8in in diameter if that was disc size or included arms.
  13. velvetchs

    Question on brittle star size

    I bought a reef cleaner package in November (I think) that came with 2 brittle stars (from here). I have been spotfeeding them a variety of foods about 2-3 times a week. One of the stars has not grown very much in the past couple of months. However, the second has gotten huge! It came completely...
  14. velvetchs

    Help me sell the wife on the idea of a bigger tank!!!

    3 words: Quid pro quo Find something SHE wants and tell her you are willing to trade - your tank for ----. Does she want to redecorate another room, new car, etc?? To get something, you need to be willing to give something to.
  15. velvetchs

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    thats one thing i WILL NOT buy from Wal -Mart... air sealed kryovacced leather...
  16. velvetchs

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    Maybe I should clarify my position a bit... Good for someone if they start out as an associate and have the ability to work their way up the coroporate ladder. I am all for that. However, I bet they worked their butts off for years first. What bothers me are the people who complain that they...
  17. velvetchs

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    Wal-Mart should not be a career goal! The people that work there should be the elderly, retired folks who want some extra money, college kids, 16yrs olds with their first job, etc... Wal-Mart should notbe what someone aspires to. I don't remember hearing anyone in my high school class that their...
  18. velvetchs

    help!!! i dont kno how

    Usually there are directions on the back of the cards that tell you the levels. If not, try posting your test kit type, hopefully someone will be kind enough to give you the directions.
  19. velvetchs

    any info on Randall's Wrasse?

    I found a Randall's wrasse on the internet with this scientific name: Cirrhilabrus randalli , but I don't think that is what you are looking for. The photo I found shows it is a blue and yellow fish. In Marine Fishes by Scott Michael, the only two wrasses it has with a polka-dotted body are the...
  20. velvetchs

    Help Please!

    How long did you acclimate your star for? They need at least 2-3 hour acclimation time. I wouldn't drop your specific gravity to 1.023 as suggested by previous poster. 1.025 - 1.026 is the preffered range for any inverts especially starfish. (BTW, are you measuring the specific gravity with a...