Search results

  1. jcnflies

    How many fish in a 75 if .....

    It helps alot, thanks. From the little I have read, I would like to consider a tang or two to eat algae. That purple / yellow tail tang , a flame angel, a pair of clowns and one or two other swould be really eye ctaching:) I plan on running a refegium if thgat lets me hold an extra fish or...
  2. jcnflies

    How many fish in a 75 if .....

    I plan on getting a 75 in a couple of weeks. I'll put in about 125 pounds of LR and do plan on putting in some corals and such over time. About how many total fish would you put in and what kind of ratio for open water vs more rockbound or hiders. I'll be sure to leave some open sandy areas...
  3. jcnflies

    Looking for wisdom on Long Island

    Thx. Either of you guys ever hear of Fishy, Inc. In Bayshore? i heard there is a club meeting over there. Any other sw clubs on LI?
  4. jcnflies

    Looking for wisdom on Long Island

    Hi Guys, Already I have received a lot of help at this forum, so I'm back to shamelessly ask for more. In a couple of weeks, I plan on starting a sw tank (I have done Africans and tropheus for a few years.) The first thing I learned when I strated Africans is that I wish I would have met some...
  5. jcnflies

    Live rock questions

    I have an Oceanic tank with canopy. Do the MH get too hot under the canopy? Also, how many hours a day? I guess they are a must as the family would kill me if I went this far with no clownfish / anemonoe combo! Thx.
  6. jcnflies

    Live rock questions

    Yes, I would like to keep some corals and other gorgeous invertabreates. Are there any that thrive on strong lighting, but not necessarily such intense lighting that it blows my electric bill through the roof (I live on Long Island, in NY, which has some of the highest electric cost in the...
  7. jcnflies

    Live rock / fish questions

    Hi and thanks in advance for the help. I have kept Africans (mostly tropheus) for a few years and love them, but now I want to add a sw tank. I have been reading a couple of recommended books - all of which recommend adding some live rock to a sw tank. Locally on LI, we have a high end pet...
  8. jcnflies

    Live rock questions

    Hi and thanks in advance for the help. I have kept Africans (mostly tropheus) for a few years and love them, but now I want to add a sw tank. I have been reading a couple of recommended books - all of which recommend adding some live rock to a sw tank. Locally on LI, we have a high end pet...