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  1. schiller

    RO unit troubleshooting questions

    as far as the test kit being out of date, I thought of that at the beginnig when I was shocked to see the result...bought three different test kits, all in date, and had it professionally checked at a lab.
  2. schiller

    RO unit troubleshooting questions

    Thanks for the answer! And yes, unfortunately, it is that high (as per checked at the professional lab), and therefore it is confusing everyone I speak to. However, it is RO, and does not have the DI. So, as you mentioned, it seems the fix for being able to use it for the tank would be to add...
  3. schiller

    RO unit troubleshooting questions

    First, I would like to start off by appologizing for the long post. I peruse message boards almost daily, I just don't contribute much, so be kind, but I was wondering if any of you experts ( ) could lend me a hand with an issue I have been having. I live in a rural area, using well water, and...
  4. schiller

    Tiny pest snails?

    Hello everyone. I keep running into problem after problem with a new setup, and I was hoping that I could get some advice. I have had a 55gal column running for a couple months now, and decided to add some snails to my cleanup crew. I added 10 Astraea turbo, 10 cerith, 10 nassarius, 4 spiny...
  5. schiller

    New hobbyist having trouble with skimmer among other things...

    Thanks, will do. I am sure on of the kiddos will be up soon anyways :) And thanks for the pictures! I have not seem some of those yet. So very colorful! I agree on the background. It looks a bit cheesy in the photo. lol I forgot to add before on the clownfish. I had a pair, and lost one in...
  6. schiller

    New hobbyist having trouble with skimmer among other things...

    Above is an overall - I raised the intake as close as I could to the surface. I thought it might help, but that is the max up it goes. It is below the surface 1/4-1/2 inch. I can drop it 3 inches if I should. The bubbles come out where the cup and sponge is. If I take the sponge off, there...
  7. schiller

    New hobbyist having trouble with skimmer among other things...

    Thanks for the heads up! I was worried that there would be an inceased bioload from the corals, but it sounds like more of a real estate issue for both light and space. I have narrowed my list to ones I like with similar lighting/flow requirements and no funky feeding, just the usual calcium...
  8. schiller

    New hobbyist having trouble with skimmer among other things...

    Hello Everyone! I have been reading for months and *attempting* to get myself going right (though I know I have done a few things awry already...), but I have been having some issues that I can't seem to find an answer to. I was hoping to pick a few expert brains for advice. I will start with...