Search results

  1. jeepguy

    restarting my 12g aquapod

    I'm planning on setting up my 12g aquapod in a new house that I'll be moving in to for school come August. Since I'm already paying rent I figure I'll go ahead and move the tank down there to cycle in my absence so that when I move down, it will be close to ready to stock. There is a great LFS...
  2. jeepguy

    clown hosting algae

    ok guys, let me get a little help here. my clown has recently started to attempt to host some hair algae growing on some live rock, i'm combating the algae problem at the moment. my royal gramma has also started mimicking that also??? i have a 24 gallon aquapod (stock pc's) and would like to...
  3. jeepguy

    what kind of corals/inverts can I keep?

    I've recently purchased an aquapod 12 gallon, and am wondering what types of corals and inverts I can keep with the stock lighting. It's got 2 27 watt power compacts, one being an actinic. There is a branching hammer and some yellow polyps at the lfs that I'm eyeing, but am not sure as to what...
  4. jeepguy

    question about term "reef", "reefsafe"

    I've greatly enjoyed all the info i've learned searching the boards for the past few weeks. I'm in the process of planning out a marine aquarium approach. I plan on purchasing a 24 gallon either nanocube or aquapod in a month or two. I know some of the fish i'd like to keep as well as some...
  5. jeepguy

    nanocube/aquapod for beginners

    I've been reading the forums for a bit now and have been very impressed with the wealth of information. I'm planning on purchasing and beginning a saltwater aquarium in the next few months and have been researching all of the different tank options and parameters that a tank must have as well...