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  1. purebullet

    wtb 210+ long island ny

    tittle says it all but must be 6' long
  2. purebullet

    Travis' 125 weekend one, it begins...

    i would make the canopy go all the way to the celing and on the side you are going to put the overflow skin it with a door so it looks completly built in
  3. purebullet

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    i think you should defetnly get a pair of blue jaws. also you should get a regal angle. i hear some of them are reef safe if well feed and in a big enough tank
  4. purebullet

    Help!! I acquired this thing....

    defently drain all the water and clean the sand out real good also post some more "in depth" pics of your sump(bottom tank) so we can see what kind of filtration you have
  5. purebullet

    Car People? Post Your Ride!!!

    autofreak44 is that a maxx i have a stock savage 25 im also lookin to sell but arint these things the best i just cant keep up two hobbies lol
  6. purebullet

    Help with 100gal stocklist?

    i would defently get a skimmer if you plan on getting a lionfish...i would also say that fish such as puffers,triggers,and angles are not good with lions. i would maby put a small tang such as a yellow, purple, kole, or tomi. also maby some peaceful fish like clowns or others
  7. purebullet

    stocklist order from ???

    im not realy sure what "standered" lighting is but if you have regular florecent tubes or pc lights but my clowns host a torch coral but will also host hammers or frogspawns just some suggestions for you
  8. purebullet

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    a flame wrase herme would look sick in there maby 1 male and 2-3 females and a crapaters flasher wrase would look good to
  9. purebullet

    Best time of year to buy from

    they are on sale quite frequently just wait and check back every once in a wile and youll see one on sale or better yet get on the mailing list
  10. purebullet

    cleaned the back of my tanks glass

    can we see a current stocklist i know most of the fish just wana see a list
  11. purebullet

    Mappa Puffer

    maby you shouldnt get another fish because that one died and also it dosent sound like you alimated him
  12. purebullet

    My New Clam

    did somthing bite looks like theres a chunk missing
  13. purebullet

    new hydor KORALIA flow pump

    i think i know what your talking about as someone buy me just got a trigger thats newly imported to the united states and its beautiful i wont say the name since you realy wana get yours first lol
  14. purebullet

    New Camera..Bored.. 300 Aggressive

    any pics of the ray you got or r getting
  15. purebullet

    Funny Picture...

    on some of my uncles snails he has zoos on one and gsp on others
  16. purebullet

    New Camera..Bored.. 300 Aggressive

    i love looking at your tank and what kind of butterfly is that
  17. purebullet

    looking for help with first tank + info what they wish they didin there first set up

    protine skimmers are very good they take out alot of junk in the water and can realy help clean up your water and i would recomend getting a hang on back refugium there about as big as hang on back filters just refiugiums
  18. purebullet


    are you saying you just have to get a peice of the mouth on the frag not half the mouth
  19. purebullet

    The ideal equipment list?

    also if u deiced not to get a sump i would recomened getting a hang on back refugium beacuse i believe they can realy do alot for your water quality
  20. purebullet

    The ideal equipment list?

    ok first get yourself a good ro/di unit next you want about 1 pound of rock per gallon so look to add some more to get about 55 also i would recomend adding more sand because 20lbs cant be nearly enough next for flow you add powerheads i would recomend looking at the new tunze nano streams maby...