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  1. thanson

    Bubbles microbubbles what is it?

    Yes you seem to have a pretty significant bubble problem.
  2. thanson

    Bubbles microbubbles what is it?

    I resolved my microbubble problem by doing two things. First, I added baffles to my sump - which you indicate you have already done. This did not eliminate the bubbles for me either. I next added a 20g refugium which feeds into my original sump. This nearly doubled my total "sump" volume and...
  3. thanson

    coral banded shrimp with cleaner shrimp

    Will coral banded shrimp be aggressive to cleaner shrimp? says they are peaceful and will not harm other shrimp. But I read elsewhere that they are aggressive - specifically to cleaner shrimp. I have 120g tank so there is a pretty good bit of real estate to share. Cleaner...
  4. thanson

    Drilling tanks

    I got a diamond hole saw bit off ---- for about $7 and drilled a 1-3/4" hole for bulkhead fitting in wall of 20gal I was setting up as a refugium. Worked great - fraction of cost of taking to glass shop.
  5. thanson

    How to treat Lymphocyctis

    Thanks for the info - the two spots he has have been stable for a couple of weeks. i.e. it's not getting worse, so I'll follow your recommendations and hope to see him on the mend soon. Beth's previous hypo comment, see reply #9:
  6. thanson

    How to treat Lymphocyctis

    Found this on the net: Lymphocyctis virus. This virus induces massive cells to form which appear grossly as grayish-white masses on the fins and gills. Such abnormal cells may also be found in the muscle and body cavity. May be confused with chlamydia infections (epitheliocystis), parasitic...
  7. thanson

    How to treat Lymphocyctis

    I have a new juvenile Koran Angel that has a couple of spots/"grains" of Lymphocyctis right after he came out of the QT. How do you treat this?
  8. thanson


    My experience is similar to Stanlalee. I've always had success using it as directed - although once took two 14 day treatments to completely clear it out. I've had no problems with peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, hermit crabs, emerald crabs, astrea snails, etc - but I haven't used with...
  9. thanson

    Ick and Pepper base medicine.

    Product labeling explains skimmer is necessary to reduce concentration after dosing - I'd assume to avoid overstressing your fish & inverts. I wouldn't use it without a skimmer - you can't complain about a product being ineffective or causing damage when you don't use it as labeled. Labeling...
  10. thanson

    Ick and Pepper base medicine.

    I've used Kent RxP for Ich and it's worked. Hasn't killed any of my common inverts either - i.e. hermit crabs, snails, peppermint shrimp. Has worked as advertised - I'd recommend it. Frankly, I've had more success with RxP than copper (although there were probably other contributing factors)...