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  1. tink

    blueface and emperor

    yeah im at tcc
  2. tink

    blueface and emperor

    one more
  3. tink

    blueface and emperor

    Check out my 150
  4. tink

    multiple angels

    once again they are doing fine and everyone says it cant be done...
  5. tink

    multiple angels

    They have been together for 2wks and they dont even look at eachother unless they are feeding then they kinda take turns, they gang up on the yellow tangs more than they mess with eachother, btw a 7in emperor is more than 1/2 grown cause hes in captivity and anyways it dosent matter he will just...
  6. tink

    multiple angels

    well my tank is 150 gallons and the blueface is about 8 inches and the emperor is about 7 inches and they are gettin along just fine. I think it is definetly possible to keep them together
  7. tink

    multiple angels

    well im in the process of trying a emperor and a blueface and so far "knock on wood" everything is fine....
  8. tink

    multiple angels

    but does anyone know from experiecne???
  9. tink

    multiple angels

    well im not talking dwarfs i want at least 3 large marine angles in my tank and my lfs tells me it is possible but dependant on fish personality... i think it can be done....has anyone had any sucess????????????????????????
  10. tink

    multiple angels

    Come on someone has to have done it and had it work...... ive seen pics of tanks with more than 10 large angles and there isnt anyone on the site that can keep 2 angels?? alibaa 2 Have you tryed it???
  11. tink

    multiple angels

    So ive heard from just about everyone that multiple angel fish is out of the question, just like if you order 2 angles on they will block your order unless they are for two different tanks.... so i want to know if anyone has had success doing this???? Cause im giving it a shot and god i...
  12. tink

    brown patches on grouper

    everything is at zero as far as the amonia and nitrates and nitirtes go, i did a serious water change to bring it down, the grouper is showing no signs of ich but the brown patches is not going away, the salinity is .0125 so its fine too, do you have any idea what the patches could be, cause if...
  13. tink

    brown patches on grouper

    are u sure the brown patches are ich? cause the trigger and the lion had ich all over his body, there were little white dots, the grouper has no white dots Ive got no idea what is stressed them out so bad, the trigger was a little biach and every time you walked by the tank he would go crazy and...
  14. tink

    brown patches on grouper

    My tank has been set up for about 3 mouths and i have had a major crash in the last week. My niger trigger got some serious ich and ended up dying while i was on a 4 day fishing trip, when i got back my amonia was through the roof. Then my lion and my red coris wrasse died, i still have the blue...