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  1. deezum

    Distilled Water or no??

    Is it safe to use distilled water in my tank????Do any of you gents/dames use it?
  2. deezum

    Xenia again

    how long have you had it? how did you acclimate it?
  3. deezum


    I was just wondering what type of chemicals you guys use for your reef tanks!!! Aragamilk, reef complete , etc?????
  4. deezum

    Purple Up^

    anyone ever use this product:PURPLE UP??? Does it work?
  5. deezum

    What Corals Are Good For Me?

    I have a 15g High with a PC of 96 watts. What corals can you recommend that are suitable for this setup. Are there any that I should stay away from ?
  6. deezum

    Chemi Pure

    2 Questions: Is Chemi Pure good to use in a filter??? If I have a 15g reef with a protein skimmer how often should I do water changes?
  7. deezum

    12 Gal. Eclipse

    Whacha got as far as filters/ protein skimmer?/ lights?
  8. deezum


    What's the difference between cured and uncured LR? How does one go about curing LR? Just curious, sorry if its a dumb ?
  9. deezum

    New Tank

    Can someone recommend a good protein skimmer for a 15g High?
  10. deezum

    Louisiana - Any GOOD LFS"S aroudn?

    I went to Coral Connection the other day. There was no damage from Hurricane Katrina. If anyone can make it out there you should check out his 800 and 250 gallon show tanks: THEY"RE AWESOME!!!!! Tell him the PetsMart guy sent you!!!LOL
  11. deezum

    Im starting a 10Galon, what fish do u suggest to get

    i just bought a coralife compact set w/ a 96Watt 50/50 for 89.99....its more than enough light!!
  12. deezum

    new setup

    I am currently setting up a new 10 gallon reef any advice or suggestions on filtration, lighting, protein skimmers????anything will help!!! :help:
  13. deezum


    Are U 12?
  14. deezum

    Resealing a Tank

    Is the 100% silicone rubber you get from Lowes or Home Depot safe for resealing a tank?
  15. deezum

    Reef Lighting

    I'm setting up a 10gallon nano reef. When and how long should i turn the lights on when it is cycling and what not?
  16. deezum

    Coral Prop Vid by Eric Borneman

    where'd you find that clip????? if you've been to one of his talks, where's he located?
  17. deezum


    Im interested in making my own refugium. IF anyone has any tips or pictures that i can get ideas from i'd appreciate it!
  18. deezum


    Is A Protein Skimmer Necessary For A 29gallon?