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  1. akvino

    Looking For Some New Fish! Need some Ideas Please!

    of flasher wrasses - a pair possibly, they have some beautiful colors - Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse or Filamented Flasher Wrasse - and they change from red, blueish, to yellow mature fish.
  2. akvino

    New here few questions about future setup

    Thanks DB - no I do not have a skimer so I'll make that my priority numer uno. Is there a trick to having sand vs. crushed coral?
  3. akvino

    Making Salt Water - sand bottom filtration kind of thing question

    Where to buy, where to find, where to look, how to make, distilled water without cooper or nitrate accelerated levels. What sand to put on the bottom for best bacteria water filtration/nitrate reduction type of thing? And Ya - still a newbie.
  4. akvino

    New here few questions about future setup

    Hi all, vibrant community you have here:-).... I have a few questions - I am planning to move up from 25gal to 55-75 maybe even 90gal aquarium. I don't plan on having a big fish just a lot of 6-11cm small fish, where my next few questions come to mind - what inverts reduce nitrate, ammonia the...