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  1. dolphin124

    puffed up eyes

    whats that? is that supose to be sarcastic or is there such a thing called that?
  2. dolphin124

    puffed up eyes

    why does my fish have a puffed up eye? i have two of them in my tank that have puffed eyes. does this mean anything?
  3. dolphin124

    male/female clowns

    how do you knwo the difference between clowns? i heard they change sexes...but how will you know if you have a male or female? for them to breed do they have to be in a tank w/ just 2 clowns? or can other fish be in the tank also?
  4. dolphin124

    Clownfish: lays on side and now is ok

    ok thank you. is there anyway you can tell the difference between male and a female clown fish?
  5. dolphin124

    Clownfish: lays on side and now is ok

    i moved all my fish out of my tank so i could clean it. and my clown fish was laying on his side and not moving. but was breathing. now he is ok. what happened?
  6. dolphin124

    Help: Just starting out

    my tank size is a 55 gal.
  7. dolphin124

    Help: Just starting out

    if i were to buy a dogface puffer would it be ok to put them in with my other fish? or would he kill them?
  8. dolphin124

    Help: Just starting out

    awsome! now if i were to buy coral what kind of lighting do you suggest? how much does the lighting and coral usually run? where can i find good coral? what is the best to start out with for a beginner?
  9. dolphin124

    Help: Just starting out

    i am only moving like 20 minutes away. reef ready....meaning all the filtrations are on the bottom, everything gets pumped up to the tank from the filters or heaters behind your tank.its a carbon filter. a skimmer, and heater. i also do have an air pump on the bottom of the tank...
  10. dolphin124

    Help: Just starting out

    my tank came as "Reef safe." so it came with the basic filtrations. and it has a skimmer. not sure what kind though off the top of my head. would it be smart if i set up another tank for my damsels or just get rid of them? I mean they are a good starter fish but i want to beable to put...
  11. dolphin124

    Help: Just starting out

    i have a 55 gal fish tank. and yes i would like to get coral....i dont have any yet though. can i just add the coral to my tank, or doo i have to let it sit in another tank before i add it? will it kill my fish if i just put it in with my fish? right now i have 2 Percula Clownfish, 3 domino...
  12. dolphin124

    Help: Just starting out

    what type of filtration, lighting, heat? how often should i put fresh water in my tank? how much? for the bottom of the tank would u be better with sand or gravel?
  13. dolphin124

    Help: Just starting out

    Hi everyone. i am just starting out with salt water fish. i know very little. but i have been doing a lot of reading so far. what are the best kinds of fish i should start out with. which ones can i put together n which ones i cant. Do you have any luck w/ anenomies? what about live rock...