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  1. joker3762

    Nitrite and nitrate levels?

    Thanks, The only thing i didnt clean yet is the Bio-balls. Do you think I need to? If so what is the best way to do that?
  2. joker3762

    Nitrite and nitrate levels?

    I unfortunately have been neglecting my tank for a long time. I have had 2 clown fish in the 100g tank for a long time. Only 2 fish. My tank was disgusting algee covered every side of the tank. and all stuff inside. I have been cleaning and maintaining it for about 2-3 weeks. It is all...
  3. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    What if I cant bring the star back??
  4. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    Sand sifting star, My cc star burned himself and died. this has definately been a (*&^ ordeal.
  5. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    I will definately do that. But since my star is in a qt tank can i make that into a dt temporarily to keep the star and snails and shrimp, they seem to be doing ok for now. What are your thoughts??
  6. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    correct to the first question. Melachite and formalin combined in formula. Do I need to purchase new LS. I also have black silicone on my tank so I dont notice any discoloring of that. Please advise on what to do to solve my problem. Thanks again
  7. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    Does that mean my ls is dead also. Really where did i go wrong??? I dont want to make the same mistake again.
  8. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    my inverts are not in the dt only the lr, I only had 3 small pieces so if they are dead then i can live with that mistake.
  9. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    Ok here is what happend, I made the mistake of putting my blue tang directly into my display( I know this was stupid) On the same day i put in my Choc. Chip star, Sand Sifting star and Cleaner shrimp, as well as some snails and crabs. LFS told me it would be ok to add them all at once...
  10. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    Ok, Now that I have dealt with my fish dying, should i keep my salinity where it is at to kill the ich or should i bring it back to normal?? Also previously i was told to use Cure ick which had machilete green and formalin. I didnt remove my ls or lr. does that mean they are no longer good...
  11. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    Sepulatian Why would my clowns still be alive? Is it due to the fact that they are tank raised?? Could it have been prevented had i used Proper PH you had talked about earlier? Also, I have never purchased fish online, do you think it is a good Idea, I know this site sells them and i do have...
  12. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    My Blue tang just died Those spots i was referring to at the end covered the whole underside of his body, It was a light blue color and was only on the bottom. Could he have died from ich and could my flame angel have died due to ich. Let me know what you think
  13. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    you are an excellent source of info. thanks again i will keep you posted on the tang.
  14. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    spots are not red, i will keep an eye on them. proper ph 8.2 mixed with fresh water will buffer the water?
  15. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    Sepulatian, All of your help is excellent. While I was turning off my lights I noticed the tang had 3 large light blue circles by his belly area. Should I be concerned about this???
  16. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    I dont have a kh kit, I will get one. But how do I Buffer the water for future water chages?
  17. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    Yes to RO water and I arrived there at noon today?
  18. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    I never tested the Ph when i added freshwater. I didnt realize I needed to buffer the water first. How do I do this??? I always notices a blur when adding fresh water but figured the fish would swim to a different area until the tank mixed it in?????? Should my Tang be breathing heavy
  19. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    just checked all levels everything is normal no issues PH is perfect
  20. joker3762

    So I did Hyposalinity- this is what happend- please help

    Adding water like in beths post. Followed it to a T