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  1. silversibe

    my Max just got hit by a car

    Sorry to hear about your cat. One of the main reasons my cats are not allowed outdoors- too many dangers that can be prevented.
  2. silversibe

    Bad day at the car dealer

    Goodyear (here anyway) will tell you xyz is wrong with your car- and yea, they don't just do it on their own. HOWEVER, take your car to a reputable mechanic- ask him to look into it. Strange, mine always says there is NOTHING wrong. Wish I would have realized I was being hosed a long time ago.
  3. silversibe

    calling all camera people.

    I have a film Nikon SLR and a digital Nikon SLR- both have been great cameras. I personally hate Olympus, the quality just isn't there for me. You should really consider why you can get so much more with an Olympus vs. a Canon or Nikon. There is a reason for the cheaper prices...
  4. silversibe

    lets here it for bush

    I would also like to add my thanks to our lovely president, for basically insuring when I am old I will have no SS.
  5. silversibe

    Worst ice storm I've ever seen.

    I am up in KC-- we've had a lot of sleet here since Friday, maybe an inch or 2. Nothing like you guys are getting down there though, our trees aren't covered in ice- just the roads/walkways etc. Try to stay warm down there...our 3rd round is supposed to be here in a couple of hours.
  6. silversibe


  7. silversibe

    psychology major?

    Everything I've been told from many a college professor goes along the lines would be wasting your time and money. Psychology is a degree that is interesting, but not very useful.
  8. silversibe

    Christmas pics of the kids

    Blaze- make sure you do your research on the breed. If I recall correctly American Bulldogs are a LOT of dog to handle if you don't know what your doing.
  9. silversibe

    Ice Storm

    I am jealous actually- I am in KC and we got some ice but everything else went juuust south of us. We got maybe a dusting of snow, 20 minutes south got 6 inches.
  10. silversibe

    Therapy Dogs?

    Many hospitals actually have programs, you would need to get in touch with them to see who coordinates. At the very least most require a CGC, and usually you get involved with a group who does therapy visits. They also may require you pass some tests of their own. Therapy dogs really need to be...
  11. silversibe

    New Puppy? What is it worth?

    I highly doubt your dog was running 60mph seeing as that would be right up there with a cheetah.
  12. silversibe

    New Puppy? What is it worth?

    Contracts like that are common when you go with a responsible breeder. They have worked hard to get certain temperments, qualities etc. in their line of dogs. The parents should have been tested for several genetic things such as hips/eyes/certain problems related to the breed...that costs...
  13. silversibe

    Any Dog Lover's here??

    Actually, it isn't a breed trait for Huskies to not like having their nails clipped. Many dogs don't enjoy having their feet messed with- its all about desensitizing them to it. None of mine mind at all. I am loving all these dog pictures- you guys have some gorgeous babies! I have 3 Siberian...