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  1. focal

    HELP>>HELP>>Goldstrip Clown problem!!

    Can a goldstrip live without the two missing fins? Will the fins grow back? Thanks for all your guys help.
  2. focal

    HELP>>HELP>>Goldstrip Clown problem!!

    So now what should I do?
  3. focal

    HELP>>HELP>>Goldstrip Clown problem!!

    I have a tank that is about 3 months old. I have had a larger female goldtrip for about a month or so. Tonight I bought a smaller male golstrip, I aclimated for about 20 minutes. When I put it in my female imideiately attacked the male. She chased him for a good minute, ripping his top fin...
  4. focal

    What all can live on/in LR ??? >>

    I was just wondering how many different things there are. Not what you could put on the LR, just if you bought some LR and put it in your already cycled tank with plenty of light what all would grow. Thanks.