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  1. reeferbeef

    Fish List for 90gal Reef - Critique Please!!!!!

    Im aware of the acclimation/eating habits of the CBB and was planning on introducing him after the tank is WELL established.. Anyone else? All help is greatly appreciated!
  2. reeferbeef

    Fish List for 90gal Reef - Critique Please!!!!!

    OK... Tank is set up and awaiting fish. 90gal AGA - Oceanic Stage 2 Sump w/ Mag 9.5 return - ASM G3 Skimmer - 275 watts PCs - 4 maxi1200's (Tunze's coming soon) 115lbs LR & 120lbs LS Tank has been running for 2 months and water quality is great.. Currently have a few Zoo's, Xenia, and Clove...