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  1. trble15

    most expensive fish you ever bought

    The most expensive I bought is a $65 harlequin tusk from Austrailia. From what I have seen on the internet I got him at a good price. My most expensive loss was a sebae clown took out a red snapper and spotted grouper. He is no longer a part of my tank.
  2. trble15

    butterflies and angels

    bill109...Do you know anyone with an established tank close to you? If so, see if they are do for a waterchange and use there dirty water in your new set up. This will help add needed nutrients to your tank and cut the cycle if half. Use half dirty and half new water, let sit for a week, and...
  3. trble15

    butterflies and angels

    I have a coral beauty in my 30 gal reef and has done great for over a year. Personally one of my favorites and is listed as an easy angel to care for. Cycle? Do you mean a new set up? Add coralvital to your tank...this is great for adding new fish and maintaining the tank.