Search results

  1. squid

    red lights in the aquarium

    i have had a red light on in my tank for a few days now in the evenings and when all else is dark i see a lot more activity coming from the critters in the live rock at the least. my baby bristle stars start walking about for example. i just don’t know about the fish though. i know that trout...
  2. squid

    red lights in the aquarium

    What do you all think of red lights for us in night time viewing of fish? I heard that they can’t see the red light is this true? Does it affect corals? And do invertebrates not see it either? Anyone’s opinion would be appreciated.
  3. squid

    ick, and specific questions

    thanks for all the help i started setting up my hospital / quarantine tank last night as well as adding garlic to the frozen food. the fish are looking much better yet the ick is still present. for some reason i thought the ocean was safe from things like ick, i know better now. anyway thanks...
  4. squid

    ick, and specific questions

    I have a reef tank, a month old now, which seems to have ick. shortly after I add substrate I noticed small "bugs" on the glass. it was live sand substrate so I figured that it was part of the eco system and thought nothing of it. 3 or 4 days later I added a high hat and a conchfish, which I had...