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  1. apolyom

    my new clown trigger

    i had actually been told by someone else that they will only "dig" down a little bit but not all the way, i don't really mind if he does eat all the critters unless this will lead to a tank crash. any insight? or has anyone successfully kept these fish with a DSB?
  2. apolyom

    my new clown trigger

    haha yeah i know he is very aggressive already and i've only had him 2 days! i'll need a chain glove lol
  3. apolyom

    my new clown trigger

    just thought i'd share my new clown trigger with everyone, he has brought me to the decision of moving my reef to a smaller tank and giving him the main DT. he's in my sump at the moment how would he go with a DSB?
  4. apolyom

    My personal favorite fish ever.

    mine would be my red spot blennie
  5. apolyom

    questions on hyposalinity and ich

    thankyou, i will do
  6. apolyom

    questions on hyposalinity and ich

    sorry i missed early birds reply. so should i raise it back up and start again then?
  7. apolyom

    questions on hyposalinity and ich

    Originally Posted by florida joe I think there may be some confusion over the 48hrs it has nothing to do with the ick the reason you need to lower you salinity over 48hrs is to give the fish you are treating time to get used to the lower salinity so you lower it gradually over that time frame...
  8. apolyom

    questions on hyposalinity and ich

    Originally Posted by earlybird Why are you hypo-ing shrimp? They won't make it that long. because they are in the tank already and they are good clean up after the puffer eats. so which is it? does it have to be over 48 hours or not? the only 2 answers i've had are both arguing against each...
  9. apolyom

    questions on hyposalinity and ich

    its 1.009 guess i'll have to raise it and drop it again lol i did it over several days due to work and the ridiculous amount of hours i work.
  10. apolyom

    Why is my Hippo tang Turning Black?

    i have seen blue hippos with the same colouring at my lfs. i thought to myself "gee thats odd" but from memory it did look like pigmentation
  11. apolyom

    questions on hyposalinity and ich

    i am currently treating a puffer for ich with hyposalinity. from my reading i have found that this treatment is supposed to kill inverts however i have several shrimp still quite alive in the tank. is this normal? also my puffer's spots have greatly reduced in numbers but there are still some...
  12. apolyom

    show off your tangs!!!

    heres some of my lipstick tang great personality no thats not white spot on him either
  13. apolyom

    What this Zoo Look like??

  14. apolyom

    fin bitting puffer

    i have a blue spot puffer with a great personality, the only problem is he has bitten pieces out of ALL my fishe's fins including my snowflake eel. i am thinking of getting rid of him or is there a way to stop him nipping? and the latest attack has left my poor female maroon clown with a torn...
  15. apolyom

    very agressive picasso trigger

    i guess i must have gotten lucky with my picasso, he is the most peacful fish in my tank. i have with him a blue spot puffer (the most aggresive fish in the tank always biting fins) a juvi emperor a pair of maroon clowns 2 humbugs and a SFE
  16. apolyom

    confused on how to shim

    its down at the back by about 1cm (1/4 inch) not too much but more than i'd like, the reason i asked about how far out is because i have noticed from others post that 6 inches seems to be the common distance. i think i will try shimming first then if that doesnt go well then i will look into...
  17. apolyom

    confused on how to shim

    i think it would be a more peace of mind thing. so the boards running down the side wouldnt be for structural support? so it wont matter if they are off the floor slightly? also how far out from the wall should i place my tank?
  18. apolyom

    confused on how to shim

    Originally Posted by rbaldino Shimming is easy. Just take a couple of small, thinish strips of wood (maybe more if it's a really pronounced lean) and place them under the stand on the end that's lower. One at the front and one at the back. Also, I think putting plywood under the tank is...
  19. apolyom

    confused on how to shim

    it's a 4x2x2 solid wood cabinet + hood, it is currently sitting off by about 1/2 inch lower at the back, i am getting a piece of sealed outdoor 18mm ply delivered tomorrow to place the stand on (to distribute the weight evenly) as it has a leg in the middle at the back then the left,right and...
  20. apolyom

    confused on how to shim

    yes it would be the stand i need to shim. basically i want to know HOW to do it... eg: do i use just 1? do i cut them to size? how do i fill the gap thats left once the stand has been raised to the correct height.. all these sort of things