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  1. greg_m_o

    Anemone Dying??

    Alright thanks guys. Ill try to get the nitrates down and see how it comes along.
  2. greg_m_o

    Anemone Dying??

    I recently bought an anemone about 3 days ago, the first two days he looked fine but today I woke up to him looking horrible. Is he dying/dead? All my water parameters are good except for Nitrates which are fairly high. I'm sort of new to this too so don't ream me out too bad about this
  3. greg_m_o

    Crazy Fish Attack?

    So I woke up today to chaos in my tank. All of my fish (1 Clown, 1 Purpleback Pseudochromis, and 1 blue damsel) were chasing down my yellow watchman goby. I've had the goby for about a month and a half, and all the fish were getting along with the watchman until now. The goby now has been hiding...
  4. greg_m_o

    yellow watchman losing color

    my little yellow watchman was yellow when first purchased, and is now starting to turn white around its head and back. it has been eating regularily. what could this be and how do i fix i?
  5. greg_m_o

    Water Change Question

    How do you do a water change? This is the first time I've done one and im not quite sure how much salt to add to the water, and how much water to add at a time. This is for a 35 gallon tank by the way.
  6. greg_m_o

    Newbie Question

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Your nitrate is well beyond safe parameters. That is a major issue with your fish. You need immediate water changes done. And if you can't find the instrument (hydrometer or refractometer that measures salinity then you should go buy a new one ASAP!!!!) His water...
  7. greg_m_o

    Newbie Question

    Well, My Nitrate is like 200 and a bit Nitrite is like 0 Alkalinity is like 80 pH is 7.8 Doesnt exactly look good right now. My specific gravity meter thing has gone MIA on me so im gonna have to go lookin for it. I bought the tank off someone from the buy and sell and we saved all his water, he...
  8. greg_m_o

    Newbie Question

    Alright, I've started up a saltwater tank and my friend has been helping me along with it so I've got a fairly good idea of the basic everday procedures. This may sound like a dumb question, who knows, but ive got a clownfish and he's not looking too great. Ive got 2 in total, one of them is...