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  1. teco

    set up new 125

    Here is the finished product...
  2. teco

    set up new 125

    Well, I built the stand for my 125 and the way I did it was to frame it taking into considerations the sump. I made the end panels with large doors and can fit a 55aga through with about 1/2'' to spare. If I take the whole side including the door off the frame there is slightly more room. Take a...
  3. teco

    Question on QT'ing, How many fish....

    I QT all fish. Ive been lucky I guess, the only fish I ever had problems with was a Coral Beauty with HLLE, not a pathogen by the way. I also use a 29 and keep it running all the time. Anyway, even though we might not have a problem most of the time, it just takes one time to infect a whole...
  4. teco

    Heat packs needed?

    Shouldnt be too big a problem. I skip them only when the weather is 80* or better at either end. Some of those delivery trucks can bake a cake in the summer. Just remember to wrap them in newspaper.