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  1. mosalt

    Please Help!!! 1 dead/another dying

    I had a similar experience with a clown fish from SWF, but I treated mine with Melafix. My lfs recommened it. Its all natural (extracted from tea leaves)& I didn't have to do a huge water change afterwards, but the water smelt like vick's. weird. sorry for your luck. B&W's are awesome
  2. mosalt

    Nova Sundials 30" 1 Month Old

  3. mosalt

    Nova Sundials 30" 1 Month Old

    Hey! did you get your 30" metal halide? I'm being told it's too wide for my 36 gal bow front. if so how does it look?
  4. mosalt

    Nova Sundials 30" 1 Month Old

    I also have a bow front 36 gallon. I too think the sunpod looks like the way to go without buying steps in the middle. thanks
  5. mosalt

    Nova Sundials 30" 1 Month Old

    Also, catalina has 6 & 8 bulb fixtures in a 30" size- FYI
  6. mosalt

    Nova Sundials 30" 1 Month Old

    I'm thinking you recommended this light for my 36 gallon tank. Why isn't it good enough for your tank?
  7. mosalt

    dumb question: fish + corals

    thanks, Joe!
  8. mosalt

    different brand of 30" t5-heard of?

    I found a catalina aquarium brand t5 on (a bidding website). has anyone heard if they're decent? they're made in the USA, so I'm all about that! $160for 4x24 watt. good deal???
  9. mosalt

    dumb question: fish + corals

    Again Mr dark! thanks for the answer!
  10. mosalt

    30 gal Reef Tank

    what a deal, i'd buy it today if you were in missouri!
  11. mosalt

    dumb question: fish + corals

    Here goes, ya know how you can only have so many inches of fish per gallon to have a healthy tank? Well, if you add corals, do you add them into the equation?
  12. mosalt

    Nova Extreme Pro

    I saw the Odyssea lights on ----(4 site) as a "buy it now", but don't know if they're any good. Definitely cheaper priced.
  13. mosalt

    Is This Enough Light ??

    Thanks! you are a most knowledgable Fish dude!
  14. mosalt

    Is This Enough Light ??

    thanks guys, I also needed this info. I have a 36 bow front & wondered what would be best. Looks like T5's win! my LFS suggested a 24" any other suggestions? my tank is actually 30" wide.
  15. mosalt

    Clownfish pair and anemone sell/trade in STL area

    do you have anything left to trade,sell, or whatever?
  16. mosalt

    My First 35 Gallon SW Tank Pic's

    i have had my tank for 6 years & always have a yellow tang. however, my current "ting, tang, walla, walla, bing bang is the 3rd! like you said- move him if he gets too big. mine have never been aggresive, he had a niger trigger that he loved until i lost him. your tank is awesome. good luck
  17. mosalt

    $10 toadstool frag

    here's dumb question, sorry. what kind of lighting does this toadstool take? I don't have great light just a dual actinic & reg fluorescent. nothing high powered. would it do OK?
  18. mosalt


    I'm not saying they're horrible, but you must spend $100 minimum with all their misc charges & then if something does die, you have to spend another minimum $100 to get your replaced fish back because it doesn't count as part of the minimum order! My tank isn't huge, therefore I have to wait...
  19. mosalt

    atlantic blue tang

    I acclimated for 2 1/2 hours using the drip method. He was swimming around fine the first night with a clown I also just got. I have a yellow tang, a couple damsels, & a bicolor blenny I've had for over a year. The clown, niger trigger survived the acclimation, but the my bursa trigger &...
  20. mosalt


    I received my order yesterday & was disappointed in the bursa trigger that was a guanteed item from a previous order. it was the size of a quarter!!! also today it is dead!! so i'm not sure if there's a guarantee on a guaranteed item!!! we'll see. My atlantic blue tang is huge, but today is...