Search results

  1. derf

    What type of dog do you have?

    Nice dogs everyone,as for myself I've got a giant schnauzer.
  2. derf

    Yellowtail chromis?

    Is there such thing as a yellowtail chromis? They act more like damsels than chromis's. They are black or grey with a yellow tail. The one's I have have killed too many hermits and snails to count, a red cleaner shrimp, and my black ribbon eel (Eel was eating!) After this last death by...
  3. derf

    Everything looking terrible! Help!

    I cleaned the filter intake and outflow today, that could have done something, and I don't think there could have been some chemical, as the only things I put in the tank that were liquids was marine snow. As for water circulation, I have 2 pumps, not sure what the gallons per hour is but there...
  4. derf

    Everything looking terrible! Help!

    Okay, the problem is solved. Was just a oxygen shortage. 2 fish died.
  5. derf

    Everything looking terrible! Help!

    Specific Gravity: 1.026 Ammonia: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: Not sure, my nitrate tests are messed up. Ph: 8.2 Things are starting to look better, chromis's, mandarin, and goby are eating now. Hawk just moved to usual spot as well as one clown.
  6. derf

    Everything looking terrible! Help!

    Right now, almost everything in my tank is probably dying. My yellow tang is hyperventilating and staying near the surface, my mandarin is hyperventilating and staying in one corner, my chromis's are hiding and also hyperventilating, my goby is completely fine, one longnose hawkfish died about...
  7. derf

    Montipora help

    I currently have a montipora (pretty sure, might be some other encrusting coral) that when I first got it, was knocked around by my yellowtail chromis's. I epoxyed it down, but since then, it's looked worse and worse. Now, it fell off the epoxy. I just got some coral glue with some fragging...
  8. derf

    got some inverts at the beach

    Hm, to me (I'm probably wrong though) the first one looks like a cone shell more than a conch. Be careful
  9. derf

    starting a brackish tank!

    three words why to have a brackish tank: puffers and mudskippers
  10. derf


    what do purple nudis eat anyway?
  11. derf


    I'm looking for as much info as I can on any species of nudi in aquariums. Any info is appreciated. I know that only lettuce nudis should be kept normally, but I'm looking for people's experiences on other ones. Thanks
  12. derf

    What do you wish you never added to your tank?

    my SOB yellowtail chromis's who attack anything in their territory, whether it's a snail, my hand, a chiton, or my shrimps. Or my serpent star who killed my sea cucumber and caused it to blow all its organs out :mad: . Or finally my sand-sifting star which is just needs so much more space.
  13. derf

    dream aquarium

    For me I would want one 50,000 gallon tank with no maintenance, free, and a hell load of Austrailian Giant Cuttlefish and Mimic Octopuses which all get along.
  14. derf

    Chicago area LFS

    Don't remember where it was, but Deep Reef Aquatics is great if you want Clams, cukes or freshwater. Their saltwater fish isn't as good as the FW. Search it up, you'll find it. Also, if Addison is anywhere near Riverside or North Riverside, Scotts Pet Shop is a great place for FW and SW fish...
  15. derf

    anyone play runescape?

    I really hate runescape. Me and a ton of other people used to play it. We all quit pretty fast. But recently, I got bored, went on the site, made a guy (Can't say the name, there are children here) just to see how fast I could get banned.
  16. derf


    can you put more than one angler with another? My LFS has a 1" warty right now that I've been wanting.
  17. derf

    tank idea

    So, SFE, yellow tang, Naso, radiata, tusk, and live rock? And shoould I get some cleaners for this?
  18. derf


    How big of a tank would a wartskin angler or the "black and gold frogfish" on this site need? I've heard around 70 for the wartskin .
  19. derf

    tank idea

    Would these fish work together in a 150-180 gallon tank? Yellow Tang Snowflake Moray Some Catshark Zebra Moray or Mexican Dragon Moray Radiata Lionfish, maybe more than 1 Imperator Angel Some type of goatfish Highhat Naso Tang harlequin tusk and an engineer goby Thanks for feedback
  20. derf

    escape proofing a tank

    I have a SFE, and I need some way to escape proof my main tank. It is currently in my quarantine tank, which is fine in terms of escape-proofness. The only spots in my main tank where it could escape are where the protein skimmer hangs on and a little hole where some tubing comes out of. Any...