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  1. dtreter

    Anemone question

    Lighting I believe is dual 10K atinic and full spectrum. The yellow anemone was bought here ( and no, I didn't know that they are dyed....learn something new everyday.
  2. dtreter

    Anemone question

    I have a reef tank and recently added a new yellow anemone to my tank. My other anemones are doing well and are thriving. The bright yellow color of this anemone has faded over the last several weeks. Any suggestions? The location is midway in the rock formation. It moved there by itself from...
  3. dtreter

    red slime in my reef?

    I had a problem with red slime. Suggestions on how to fix problem 1. Cut down on lighting. I cut back to 7-8 hours which helped alot. 2. Do more frequent water changes. 3. Watch overfeeding of your fish. 4. Red slim is bacterial and a UV light kills parasites, but I changed bulb and it helped...
  4. dtreter

    Who's running a successful reef with no sump?

    My system is about 15 yrs. old and never had a sump. What I have in my 55 gal aquarium is a protein skimmer, filter with pads, uv light and a couple of power heads to move the water around plus a good light system. I think the reason the system is stable is because of all the living rock. Here...
  5. dtreter

    Show Us Your: Tangs!

    Originally Posted by 30-xtra high i love close ups... but i've always wondered, whats the white thing right before the tail on yellows and scopas? It is a barb that is used in defense and attack against other fish. On the yellow tang, it is white but different colors on different tangs.
  6. dtreter

    Show Us Your: Tangs!

  7. dtreter

    Cannon XT Photos

    Originally Posted by joncat24 upgrade hell,you can buy a new pc for what that lense costs!!! With the Canon rebate, this lens cost about $400.
  8. dtreter

    Cannon XT Photos

    I got a new lens for my Cannon Rebel XT. It is a 100mm 2.8 Macro. Here are some potos of my fish in my reef system.
  9. dtreter

    Show Us Your: Lawnmower Blennies!

    A new lens for my Cannon and my blemmy
  10. dtreter

    Interesting fish photo

  11. dtreter

    our brackish spotted puffer

    Originally Posted by peckerhead well today is his first day in the tank but when he was in our freshwater tank he ate plankton and krill both dried out. but he hasnt ate yet. he is still looking around// anyone else have pictures? My puffer wouldn't eat for over a week when I first got him. I...
  12. dtreter

    Thank you reef

    Originally Posted by bill109 nice thts aesome i should invest in tht i would love to have a clarki and a ocelleris what kind of lighs do you ave on tht 55? Lighting is dual 10,000K actinic and full spectrum lights. Also three power heads to move the water, protein skimmer, dual filter and a uv...
  13. dtreter

    Thank you reef

    Originally Posted by bill109 nice do you have 2 diff species of clown fish hows tht working a tomato and a ocelleris They leave each other alone because they each have their own Anemone to play with. The tomato clown likes the huge anemone on the left and the smaller clown uses the smaller...
  14. dtreter

    My Lawnmower Blennie on his lounger

    I love their eyes and eyebrow/lashes. I also like how they change their color to their surroundings. A cool fish!
  15. dtreter

    Thank you reef

    Some pictures of my reef system. The blue polyps jst keep splitting and splitting.